Activity entity

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Activities are a collective name for several entities in your database. In many CRMs, activities are used to track things that people do. Some of the most common activity entities include tasks and phone calls.

activity view in the app

Main features

Display them in calendar
Activities can be displayed on the calendar. They include fields like start date, end date, duration, etc.
Assign them to people
Activities are usually associated with people. A task can be completed by a single person, but a phone call is often better with at least two people.


Dataverse comes with a short list of predefined activity tables. Other solutions based on Dataverse, such as Dynamics Field Service, come with additional activity tables. You can also design custom activities. Learn more in Microsoft documentation.

In addition to the individual activity tables, there's also a special read-only table "activitypointer". This table lists common columns from all activity tables.

Resco Cloud

The default organizations in Resco Cloud come with several activities. When designing a new entity, you can select whether it is an activity or it can have activities.

create an activity in resco cloud

When you create a new custom entity and designate it as an activity, all the typical activity fields are automatically added. When you mark an entity with Has activities, activity records can be made related to this entity (for example, an appointment regarding an opportunity).

Resco Cloud comes with a database view with all universal activity fields.

activity view data in admin console



Activity "entity" in Woodford

To make work with activity entities easier in Woodford, when editing an app project, you can find Activity in the list of entities in the Project menu. However, it is not a real entity. Even though Woodford may allow you to set things such as conflict resolution strategy, these don't apply.

The reason why Activity is listed in the list of entities is that you can define universal views that apply to all individual activity entities. You can also add activity views to your home screen.

One minor feature that makes activity views easier to use is the DateLabel field. What it does: it concatenates the start time and end time with some logic behind the scenes that makes it easier to read for humans. For example, trimming redundant dates when the start and the end happen on the same day.

designing an activity view in woodford

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