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Control panel in resco.FieldService

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In release 15.0, the Field Service plugin has been extended with Control Panel functionality for successful management of preventive maintenance. It provides the ability to view and change various schedule statuses for asset and maintenance jobs and easily check whether they are following a signed service agreement with a client.

These are the predefined schedule statuses for asset and maintenance job entities:

  • OK - the last service date of the asset is following agreement and is OK for the upcoming certain period.
  • Unscheduled – there is already an associated maintenance date for the job that has not been scheduled yet.
  • Needs Attention - there is an upcoming due date to complete the work order.
  • Overdue - due date for the maintenance of the asset already passed (the last service date of the asset is older than agreed) and requires immediate action.

Control Panel

These are server processes that trigger and execute plugin functions.

  • ServerExecutePlugin.FieldService.UpdateAgreementJobScheduleStatus
  • ServerExecutePlugin.FieldService.UpdateAssetScheduleStatus

UpdateAgreementJobScheduleStatus input

These are the input parameters of the FieldService.UpdateAGreementJobScheduleStatus.

Update Maintenance job Schedule Status with the following input parameters:

  • Action X-days in Advance - specify how many days in advance from the Due Date should the user be notified that there is an upcoming due date for maintenance with no Work Order created yet.
  • Additional Action – needs to be set to “Notify”
  • Agreement Status – in status “Approved”

Update Maintenance Job Asset Status with the following input parameters:

  • Agreement Status - in status Approved
  • Asset – associated asset to this specific Maintenance Job
  • Schedule Status – schedule status of the associated Assets is updated if the Maintenance job status change.

Update Maintenance Date Schedule Status with the following input parameters:

  • Agreement Job – associated Agreement Job
  • Due Date – the date from which the notification is calculated.
  • Status Reason
  • Work Order

UpdateAssetScheduleStatus input

These are the input parameters of the ServerExecutePlugin.FieldService.UpdateAssetScheduleStatus.

Update Parent Asset Schedule Status with the following input parameters:

  • Parent Asset – check the associated parent asset
  • Schedule Status – check whether any of the assets that belong under the Parent assets (child assets) have a different status then OK and update the status as follows:
    • If any of the Child assets have status Overdue then Parent Asset status is Overdue (Ok, Unscheduled, Needs Attention, Overdue)
    • If any of the Child assets have the status Needs Attention then Parent Asset status is Needs Attention (Ok, Unscheduled, Needs Attention, Unscheduled)
    • If any of the Child assets have the status Unscheduled then Parent Asset Status is Unscheduled (Ok, Unscheduled, Ok, Ok)
  • Status-Active

Update Agreement Job Schedule Status flow

This is a rough flow of the Update Agreement Job Schedule Status:

  1. Load agreements, jobs, and their dates. Agreements and their jobs must be in the state "Approved"; job dates status must be "Pending".
  2. Make sure there is an asset assigned under this specific agreement job.
  3. Go to “Additional Action” field and select the Notify option.
  4. Go to “Action X-days in Advance” and specify how many days in advance from the due date the user should be notified.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The server process will check the Maintenance job Schedule status conditions and update the actual status.
    The server process will check:
    • If no Work Order associated and no Notify setup Maintenance Job status is “OK”
    • If no Work Order associated and Notify setup:
      • Maintenance Job status is “OK” if “Action X-days in advance” is before notification timeline for due date.
      • Maintenance Job status “Needs Attention” if “Action X-days in advance” is in a notification timeline for due date.
      • Maintenance Job status is “Overdue” if “Action X-days in advance” pass notification timeline for due date .
    • Assigned Work Order is in status Draft / Ready – Maintenance Job status is “Unscheduled”
    • Assigned Work Order is not in status Draft / Ready – Maintenance Job status is “OK”
  7. The server process will check the assigned Asset and update the Asset schedule status with the same status as the associated Agreement job has.

Control panel 1.png

Parent Asset Schedule Status flow

This is a rough flow of the Parent Asset Schedule Status:

  1. Child asset Schedule status is updated based on Schedule status of assigned Agreement Job.
  2. Parent asset checks the statutes of their assigned child assets and check his status as follows:
    • If any of the Child assets have status Overdue then Parent Asset status is Overdue (Ok, Unscheduled, Needs Attention, Overdue)
    • If any of the Child assets have the status Needs Attention then Parent Asset status is Needs Attention (Ok, Unscheduled, Needs Attention, Unscheduled)
    • If any of the Child assets have the status Unscheduled then Parent Asset Status is Unscheduled (Ok, Unscheduled, Ok, Ok)

Control panel 2.png