Salesforce object blacklist
If you are using Resco with Salesforce, you can control which Salesforce objects (known as entities in Resco terminology) should be made available in Woodford (and later the mobile app) when you click the Update metadata button.
We recommend keeping the object list in Woodford short; this can greatly speed up publishing and validation of app projects. By default, Resco is blacklisting a significant number of objects. Blacklisted objects are not visible in Woodford and they are never available in the app.
Salesforce object blacklist requires Resco managed package.
Salesforce objects in other tools
The Questionnaire Designer and Results Viewer also adhere to the same object blacklist as Woodford. Additionally, these tools have a limit of 300 objects.
The configuration is stored as records in "resco__sync__c" object (Resco Metadata Sync Config). By adding records to this object, the customers are able to fine-tune which objects they see in Woodford and in the apps.
Tip | In release 18.1, we are renaming the object labels to "Resco Metadata Config". |
- Log in to your Salesforce server.
- Select App Launcher > View All.
- Find "Syncs" or "Resco Metadata Config" in the list.
- Create new records for this object according to the following rules.
Configuration rules:
- Enter the name of a single Salesforce object into each record's primary field.
- Use just the name to whitelist an object.
- Use the name prefixed with an exclamation mark to blacklist the object.
- The object names are not case-sensitive.
- As Type, select "Object".
- If an object is both whitelisted and blacklisted, the whitelist takes precedence.
- the object AcceptedEventRelation is whitelisted even though it is in the default blacklist!account
- blacklists the Account object
Note | When creating a record in "resco__sync__c" object, do not include the prefix sf_ . Use only the API name of the object.
Language whitelist
Since release 17.0, it is possible to define a whitelist of languages. Only the selected languages are transferred to Woodford during the metadata update. The full list of supported languages is available in Salesforce documentation.
Default blacklist
The list of prefixes used to blacklist standard Salesforce objects. Does not apply to custom objects.
process, aura, app, auth, duplicate, secure, data, listemail, fsl__optimization, fsl_scheduling, feed (*), chatter
- (*) Except chatter objects Feed Item, Feed Comment, Feed Attachment, and Feed Like.
The list of suffixes used to blacklist both standard and custom Salesforce objects.
history, share, __tag, __hd, feed, changeevent, __ka, __votestat, __viewstat, __kav, __datacategoryselection, subscription, definition, eventstream, __mdt
The default list of named objects which are blacklisted by default.
- acceptedeventrelation
- accountchangeevent
- accountcontactrole
- accountcontactrolechangeevent
- accounthistory
- accountshare
- actionlinkgrouptemplate
- actionlinktemplate
- activityhistory
- adminsetupevent
- aggregateresult
- announcement
- apexclass
- apexcomponent
- apexemailnotification
- apexlog
- apexpage
- apexpageinfo
- apextestqueueitem
- apextestresult
- apextestresultlimits
- apextestrunresult
- apextestsuite
- apextrigger
- apievent
- apptabmember
- assetchangeevent
- assethistory
- assetrelationshiphistory
- assettokenevent
- assignmentrule
- asyncapexjob
- backgroundoperation
- backgroundoperationresult
- batchapexerrorevent
- brandingset
- brandingsetproperty
- brandtemplate
- businessprocess
- campaignchangeevent
- campaignhistory
- campaignshare
- casechangeevent
- caseexternaldocument
- casehistory
- caseshare
- clientbrowser
- collaborationgroup
- collaborationgroupmember
- collaborationgroupmemberrequest
- collaborationinvitation
- connectedapplication
- contactchangeevent
- contacthistory
- contactrequest
- contactrequestshare
- contactshare
- contentasset
- contentbody
- contentdocumenthistory
- contenthubrepository
- contenttagsubscription
- contentusersubscription
- contentversionhistory
- contracthistory
- corswhitelistentry
- cronjobdetail
- crontrigger
- csptrustedsite
- custombrand
- custombrandasset
- customhelpmenuitem
- customhelpmenusection
- customhttpheader
- customobjectuserlicensemetrics
- custompermission
- custompermissiondependency
- dandbcompany
- dashboard
- dashboardcomponent
- digitalsignature
- documentattachmentmap
- domain
- domainsite
- emailcapture
- emaildomainfilter
- emaildomainkey
- emailrelay
- emailservicesaddress
- emailservicesfunction
- emailstatus
- emailtemplate
- embeddedservicedetail
- embeddedservicelabel
- entityparticle
- eventbussubscriber
- eventchangeevent
- eventlogfile
- eventrelationchangeevent
- expressionfilter
- expressionfiltercriteria
- externaldatasource
- externaldatauserauth
- fieldhistoryarchive
- fieldpermissions
- fieldservicemobilesettings
- filesearchactivity
- fiscalyearsettings
- flexqueueitem
- flowinterview
- flowinterviewshare
- flowrecordrelation
- flowstagerelation
- forecastingshare
- forecastshare
- fsl__criteria__c
- fsl__gantt_filter__c
- fsl__ganttpalette__c
- fsl__service_goal__c
- fsl__slr_cache__c
- fsl__territory_optimization_request__c
- goalhistory
- goalshare
- grantedbylicense
- idpeventlog
- iframewhitelisturl
- image
- imageshare
- installedmobileapp
- leadchangeevent
- leadhistory
- leadshare
- lightningexitbypagemetrics
- lightningexperiencetheme
- lightningtogglemetrics
- lightningusagebyapptypemetrics
- lightningusagebybrowsermetrics
- lightningusagebyflexipagemetrics
- lightningusagebypagemetrics
- linkedarticle
- listemailchangeevent
- listemailshare
- listview
- listviewchart
- listviewchartinstance
- listviewevent
- loginasevent
- loginevent
- logingeo
- loginhistory
- loginip
- logoutevent
- lookedupfromactivity
- macro
- macrohistory
- macroinstruction
- macroshare
- mailmergetemplate
- matchingrule
- matchingruleitem
- metricdatalinkhistory
- metrichistory
- metricshare
- mobilesettingsassignment
- mydomaindiscoverablelogin
- name
- namedcredential
- noteandattachment
- notificationmember
- oauthtoken
- objectpermissions
- onboardingmetrics
- openactivity
- opportunitychangeevent
- opportunitycontactrolechangeevent
- opportunityfieldhistory
- opportunityhistory
- opportunityshare
- orderchangeevent
- orderhistory
- orderitemchangeevent
- orderitemhistory
- ordershare
- orgdeleterequest
- orgdeleterequestshare
- orglifecyclenotification
- orgwideemailaddress
- outgoingemail
- outgoingemailrelation
- ownerchangeoptioninfo
- packagelicense
- period
- permissionsetlicense
- permissionsetlicenseassign
- permissionsettabsetting
- person
- picklistvalueinfo
- platformaction
- platformcachepartition
- platformcachepartitiontype
- platformstatusalertevent
- pricebook2history
- processinstancehistory
- product2changeevent
- product2history
- publisher
- pushtopic
- pushupgradeexcludedorg
- quicktexthistory
- quicktextshare
- quotetemplaterichtextdata
- recordaction
- recordactionhistory
- recordvisibility
- relationshipdomain
- relationshipinfo
- reportevent
- samlssoconfig
- scontrol
- searchactivity
- searchlayout
- searchpromotionrule
- securitycustombaseline
- servicereportlayout
- sessionpermsetactivation
- setupaudittrail
- setupentityaccess
- site
- sitedetail
- sitehistory
- siteiframewhitelisturl
- solutionhistory
- sosdeployment
- sossession
- sossessionactivity
- sossessionhistory
- sossessionshare
- staticresource
- streamingchannel
- streamingchannelshare
- subscriberpackage
- subscriberpackageversion
- taskchangeevent
- tenantusageentitlement
- testsuitemembership
- thirdpartyaccountlink
- todaygoal
- todaygoalshare
- transactionsecuritypolicy
- twofactorinfo
- twofactormethodsinfo
- twofactortempcode
- urievent
- userappinfo
- userappmenucustomization
- userappmenucustomizationshare
- userappmenuitem
- userchangeevent
- useremailpreferredperson
- useremailpreferredpersonshare
- userentityaccess
- userfieldaccess
- userlicense
- userlistview
- userlistviewcriterion
- userlogin
- userpackagelicense
- userpermissionaccess
- userpreference
- userprovaccount
- userprovaccountstaging
- userprovisioningconfig
- userprovisioninglog
- userprovisioningrequest
- userprovisioningrequestshare
- userprovmocktarget
- userrecordaccess
- usershare
- verificationhistory
- visibilitychangenotification
- visualforceaccessmetrics
- waveautoinstallrequest
- wavecompatibilitycheckitem
- weblink
- workcoachinghistory
- workcoachingshare
- workfeedbackhistory
- workfeedbackquestion
- workfeedbackquestionhistory
- workfeedbackquestionsethistory
- workfeedbackquestionsetshare
- workfeedbackquestionshare
- workfeedbackrequesthistory
- workfeedbackrequestshare
- workfeedbackshare
- workfeedbacktemplateshare
- workperformancecyclehistory
- workperformancecycleshare