Results Viewer

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Resco Inspections

Results Viewer is one of the components of Resco Inspections. This browser-based tool aimed at questionnaire administrators displays a list of completed and in-progress questionnaires. You can filter the results according to various criteria or you can export them in .csv format. Additionally, you can view questionnaires one by one.

Accessing the viewer

You can launch the Results Viewer for your CRM.

  1. Log in to your CRM.
  2. Start the application:
    • On Manager's experience, select Result Viewer.
    • On Resco Cloud, select Results Viewer from the landing page.
    • On Dynamics, go to the Resco Suite app, then select Inspections > Result Viewer.
    • On Salesforce, start the App Launcher, then select Results Viewer. Requires Resco managed package.

Using the viewer

Results viewer: main screen

The screen is divided into three panes:

  • Use the left pane to set up filtering criteria to restrict the number of listed questionnaires.
  • The central pane shows the list of questionnaires.
    • Click any questionnaire to display its content in the right pane.
    • To order the questionnaires, click the column headers.
    • Click Refresh to reload the list of answered questionnaires from the server.
    • You can configure which columns are displayed in the questionnaire list (available with Resco Cloud and Dynamics backends):
      • Click Select Fields and check the fields you need. You can also include fields from related entities.
      • Click Reorder Fields to change the order of the columns. This function is not available if you are using default columns.
      • Click Reset to return to the default list of columns.
  • The right pane only appears when you select a questionnaire. It displays the header of the questionnaire (including fields like duration and score), followed by all questions and answers, including media content, such as images.

Exporting results

Click Export to start the export wizard. Select:

  • what you want to export
  • in which format
  • what to use as table header
  • Use Question name to use the logical name (ID) of the question. This option is particularly useful if you want to further process the data electronically.
  • Use Question label to use the actual question label. Use this option to create more human-readable reports.

Results viewer: Exporting answered questionnaire data

Adding completed questionnaires to Dynamics entity forms

  1. In Dynamics CRM, go to Settings > Customize the system.
  2. Expand Components > Entities and select the form of an entity that you want to modify.
  3. Click Insert and select Web Resource. For best results, add the resource to a new single-column tab.
  4. In the Add Web Resource window, locate the inspections web resource: resco_MobileCRM/Surveys/index.html. Add a name and a label.
  5. Important:
    • Check the Pass record object-type code and unique identifier as parameters.
    • Set the Custom Parameter (data) to results=1.
  6. Optionally, go to the Formatting tab and increase the Number of Rows to 20 or more to ensure that the table displaying completed questionnaires comfortably fits into the window.

Results viewer: adding the web resource to Dynamics

If you complete these steps, you can select an entity record of your choice in Dynamics. If there are any completed questionnaires related to this record, they will be displayed on the form using the Results Viewer layout.

Results viewer: display it in Dynamics

Adding completed questionnaires to Salesforce Lightning Record page

The Results Viewer can be also added to a Lightning Record page in Salesforce. In this example, we are creating a new Account page from the Object Manager.

  1. On the Lightning Components pane on the left, select ResultViewerRelated and drag it to the page.
  2. Activate the page to make it visible for the users.

Now, when opening an Account in Salesforce, you can see completed questionnaires related to this record using the Results Viewer layout.

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