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Resco Cloud error codes: Difference between revisions

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This reference lists the [[Resco Cloud]] server error codes that you can encounter in various [[log files]] or on dialogs in [[Resco mobile apps]].
This reference lists the [[Resco Cloud]] server error codes that you can encounter in various [[log files]] or on dialogs in [[Resco mobile apps]].

Last updated: 12-Oct-2020
{| class = "wikitable sortable"
! Error code || Description || More info
| ErrorGeneric || #80004005:An unexpected error occurred. ||
| ErrorOrganizationDoesNotExist || #80010000:Organization '{0}' does not exist. ||
| ErrorOrganizationDisabled || #80010001:Organization '{0}' is disabled, or the trial has expired. ||
| ErrorOrganizationExistAlready || #80010002:Organization '{0}' exist already. ||
| ErrorOrganizationNameNotValid || #80010003:Organization Name cannot be '{0}'. ||
| ErrorEmailNotValid || #80010100:Email address '{0}' is not in the correct format ||
| ErrorEmailProviderNotValid || #80010101:Email address '{0}' is not accepted. Please try to use different email address. ||
| ErrorAuthenticatedOperationOnly || This operation is allowed for authenticated users only! ||
| ErrorEntityNotFound || #80010300:The given entity '{0}' was not present in the organization metadata. ||
| ErrorAttributeNotFound || #80010301:The given attribute '{0}' was not present in the '{1}' entity metadata. ||
| ErrorIdNotFound || #80010302:The given id '{0}' was not present in the metadata collection '{1}'. ||
| ErrorRetrieveEntityInvalidFlags || #80010400:Invalid flags parameter value '{0}'. ||
| ErrorTransactionCurrencyNotFound || #80010500:The given transaction currency '{0}' was not present in the transaction currencies. ||
| ErrorTransactionBaseNotSpecified || #80010501:Base transaction currency was not specified for the organization. ||
| ErrorTransactionAquireLock || Server is too busy to acquire transaction lock after {0} seconds and failed with errorCode '{1}' ||
| ErrorTransactionReleaseLock || Server is too busy to release transaction lock and failed with errorCode '{0}' ||
| ErrorAttributePermissionRead || Specified attribute '{0}' cannot be read! ||
| ErrorAttributePermissionCreate || Specified attribute '{0}' cannot be created! ||
| ErrorAttributePermissionUpdate || Specified attribute '{0}' cannot be updated! ||
| ErrorInsertPrimaryKeyNotSpecified || PrimaryKey must be specified for insert command! ||
| ErrorInsertPrimaryKeyViolation || Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint '{0}'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '{1}'. The duplicate key value is '{2}'. The statement has been terminated. ||
| ErrorUpdatePrimaryKeyNotSpecified || PrimaryKey must be specified for update command! ||
| ErrorUpdatePrimaryKeyNull || PrimaryKey cannot be null for update/upsert command! ||
| ErrorUpdatePrimaryKeyNotExist || #80010804:A record with the specified key values '{1}' does not exist in '{0}' entity. ||
| ErrorDeletePrimaryKeyNotSpecified || PrimaryKey must be specified for delete command! ||
| ErrorCreateEntityFound || Specified entity '{0}' already exist! ||
| ErrorInitializeFromMappingNotDefined || Unable to initialize '{1}' from '{0}'! There is no entity map defined for the given entities. ||
| ErrorUpdateEntityNotFound || #800A0302:Metadata contains no matching entity with {0} '{1}'. ||
| ErrorUpdateEntityDeleteSystemAttribute || Cannot delete system attribute '{0}.{1}'! ||
| ErrorUpdateEntityParentOwnership || Entity '{0}' ownership '{1}' differs from parent entity '{2}' ownership '{3}'! ||
| ErrorUpdateEntityOwnership || Cannot update system entity '{0}' ownership! ||
| ErrorUpdateEntityAudit || Entity '{0}' cannot be enabled for auditing! ||
| ErrorDeleteEntitySystemEntity || Cannot delete system entity '{0}'! ||
| ErrorDeleteEntityViewParented || Cannot delete view entity '{0}' while parented! ||
| ErrorDeleteEntityReferenced || Cannot delete entity '{0}'. It is referenced by '{1}.{2}' entity attribute! ||
| ErrorUpdateAttributeNotFound || Entity '{0}' contains no matching attribute '{1}' with id '{2}'! ||
| ErrorUpdateAttributeType || Entity '{0}.{1}' attribute does not specify type! ||
| ErrorUpdateAttributeTypeMismatch || Specified type '{0}' does not match attribute '{1}.{2}' type '{3}'! ||
| ErrorUpdateAttributeFailed || Unable to update attribute '{0}.{1}': {2} ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeLookupTargetInvalid || Specified lookup target '{0}' entity is not valid for '{1}.{2}' attribute! ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeLookupTargetInvalidIntersect || Specified lookup target '{0}' entity is not a valid for intersect entity '{1}.{2}' attribute! ||
| ErrorValidateStringBinaryLength || Attribute '{0}.{1}' string or binary data length '{2}' would be truncated to the maximum length '{3}'. The operation has been terminated. ||
| ErrorUpdateConstraintLookup || Entity lookup attribute '{0}'.'{1}' does not target '{2}' entity. ||
| ErrorUpdateConstraintRestrict || Constraint violation. Entity '{0}' record id '{1}' does not exist. ||
| ErrorRelationshipAttributes || Intersect entity '{0}' must contain two lookups only! ||
| ErrorRelationshipAttributeCreate || Cannot create new attributes {1} for intersect entity '{0}'! ||
| ErrorDeleteConstraintRestrict || Constraint violation. Entity '{0}' record id '{1}' is referenced by another entity. ||
| ErrorOptionMapValues || Option map values '{0}' are not in correct format! ||
| ErrorOptionMapValueNotFound || The given option '{0}' was not present in the option map. ||
| ErrorOptionMapDoesNotMatch || The given value '{0}' does not belong to option '{1}' in the '{3}.{2}' option map. ||
| ErrorExecuteMetadataUnknown || Unknown type '{0}' for metadata execute operation! ||
| ErrorFetchConditionAttributeNull || Condition \"attribute\" parameter not found! ||
| ErrorFetchOrderAttributeNull || Order \"attribute\" parameter not found! ||
| ErrorFetchBinaryMissingAttribute || FetchBinary require at least one attribute defined. ||
| ErrorFetchBinaryNotSupportedType || FetchBinary does not support type '{0}'. It support String or Binary data types only. ||
| ErrorFetchAggregateNotSpecified || An attribute '{0}' can not be requested when an aggregate operation has been specified and its neither groupby nor aggregate. ||
| ErrorInsertRoleAdministrator || Cannot insert duplicate System Administrator role! ||
| ErrorUpdateRoleAdministrator || Cannot update System Administrator role! ||
| ErrorDeleteRoleAdministrator || Cannot delete System Administrator role! ||
| ErrorInsertRolePrivilegesAdministrator || Cannot insert duplicate System Administrator privilege! ||
| ErrorUpdateRolePrivilegesAdministrator || Cannot update System Administrator privilege! ||
| ErrorDeleteRolePrivilegesAdministrator || Cannot delete System Administrator privilege! ||
| ErrorDeleteSystemUserCurrent || Cannot delete current user! ||
| ErrorDeleteSystemUserAdministratorCurrent || Cannot delete System Administrator role association for current user! ||
| ErrorDeleteDefaultENLocalization || Cannot delete Default EN localization! ||
| ErrorAutonumberDuplicateAttribute || An autonumber with the same attribute '{0}' for entity '{1}' has been added already. ||
| ErrorSyncServiceRunning || Skipping. Another synchronization still running! ||
| ErrorSyncServiceAdministratorOnly || Only System Administrator can perform this action! ||
| ErrorSyncServiceNoSyncProvider || No SyncService available for ProviderID '{0}'. ||
| ErrorEmailAttributeNotFound || Entity '{0}' does not have specified any attribute with Email format! ||
| ErrorEmailToNotSpecified || Email recipients must be specified! ||
| ErrorWorkflowExecuteInvalidTarget || Invalid execute workflow target. Target '{0}'. ||
| UnauthorizedUser || #80048405:Access is denied. Unauthorized user. ||
| UnauthorizedPrivilege || #80040277:Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User '{3}' is missing '{0}' privilege for '{2}' {1} on organization '{4}'. ||
| UnauthorizedInsufficientPrivilege || #80060701:Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User '{3}' have insufficient '{0}' privilege for '{2}' {1} on organization '{4}'. ||
| PasswordPolicyStrength || Your password must contain at least 8 characters and must include: a digit, an upper case letter, and a special character. Please try again. ||
| PasswordPolicyLockout || Access is denied. Account locked for {0} minutes after {1} wrong login attempts. ||
| PasswordPolicyExpired || #8004840A:The password has expired. ||
| ParseExceptionFormat || {0} (at index {1}) ||
| ParseSyntaxError || Syntax error ||
| ParseExpressionExpected || Expression expected ||
| ParseInvalidCharacter || Syntax error '{0}' ||
| ParseInvalidComparison || Invalid comparison '{0}' ||
| ParseDigitExpected || Digit expected ||
| ParseUnterminatedStringLiteral || Unterminated string literal ||
| ParseInvalidIntegerLiteral || Invalid integer literal '{0}' ||
| ParseOpenParenthesisExpected || \"(\" expected ||
| ParseCloseParenthesisExpected || \")\" expected ||
| ErrorPluginTypeNotFound || No plugin type found! ||
| ErrorPluginAssociateNotIntersect || Unable to associate records. Relationship entity '{0}' is not intersect entity. ||
| ErrorPluginAssociateNotFound || Unable to find association '{0}' attribute target '{1}'. ||
| ErrorPluginInvalidOptionsAttribute || Invalid options attribute specified for parameter! Parameter '{0}', Attribute '{1}' ||
| ErrorPluginInvalidOptionsLength || Options key/value length specified for parameter does not match! Parameter '{0}' ||
| ErrorValidateEntityEmpty || Entity name cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateAggregate || Invallid '{0}' Aggregate for attribute '{1}'. Possible values are 'count', 'max', 'min', 'avg', 'sum' or 'countcolumn' only. ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeEmpty || Attribute name for entity '{0}' cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeEmptyLinkFrom || Attribute \"from\" for link-entity '{0}' cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeEmptyLinkTo || Attribute \"to\" for link-entity '{0}' cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeEmptyCondition || Condition attribute name for entity '{0}' cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateAttributeEmptyOrder || Order attribute name for entity '{0}' cannot be empty! ||
| ErrorValidateDateGrouping || Invalid '{0}' DateGrouping for attribute '{1}'. Possible values are 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week' or 'day' only. ||
| ErrorValidateFunction || Invalid '{0}' Function for attribute '{1}'. Possible values are 'length' or 'hasvalue' only. ||
| ErrorValidateLinkType || Invalid '{0}' LinkType for link entity '{1}'. Possible values are 'inner' or 'outer' only. ||
| ErrorValidateOperator || Invalid '{0}' Operator for entity '{1}' filter. Possible values are 'and' or 'or' only. ||
| ErrorValidateDescending || Invalid '{0}' descending for entity '{1}' order. Possible values are '0', '1', 'false' or 'true' only. ||
| ErrorValidateDuplicateAlias || Duplicate '{0}' alias for {2} '{1}'. ||
| ErrorValidateOrderAlias || Order alias '{0}' not found in entity attributes. ||
| ErrorValidateConditionEntityName || Condition link entity alias '{0}' for attribute '{1}' not found. ||
| ErrorValidateConditionOperatorValues || Condition attribute '{0}' operator '{1}' require at least one value. ||
| ErrorValidateConditionOperatorValues2 || Condition attribute '{0}' operator '{1}' require two values. ||

== See also ==
== See also ==

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