Command line options

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The Windows 7 version of Resco Mobile CRM supports command-line options.

Specify app folder using -r

The option -r allows you to specify an app folder. This allows you to easily switch between different customizations, or even run multiple app instances at the same time.

  1. Create a new shortcut to the Resco Mobile CRM executable.
  2. Change the target to include a folder name, for example, your shortcut might point to the following target: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Resco MobileCRM\MobileCrm.exe” -r MobileCRMtest
  3. Start the application using the new shortcut. If the folder does not exist, you can synchronize with an app project that will be saved to the specified folder.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for additional project folders as needed.

The path to the application folder depends on your app version:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Roaming\ for Windows 7 – 8.1
  • %APPDATA%\ for Windows 10

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See also