Zebra is a provider of rugged hardware devices to the world’s largest retailers, manufacturers, transportation and logistics companies, field sales and service organizations, and healthcare providers. Some Zebra devices can communicate with Resco. Contact us for concrete requests].
RFD4031 RFID scanner
Since app version 17.2.9, Resco mobile apps can connect to Zebra Technologies' RFD4031 RFID scanner using Bluetooth. When the user scans RFIDs, the app can handle this event using JSBridge. The list of all nearby RFID tags is available for further processing.
Several new functions are available in JSBridge to handle the communication (MobileCRM.Services.ZebraScanner), including:
- MobileCRM.Services.ZebraScanner.connect - Connects to the Zebra scanner.
- MobileCRM.Services.ZebraScanner.onScan - Registers the handler for the scan event.
Sample code: RFID scanning with Zebra.
TC series
In May 2020, Resco Inspections officially became certified by Zebra for their TC series of handheld computers. This means that Resco Inspections is fully tested, supported, and seamlessly integrates with these Zebra devices and is supported on the full family of Zebra devices.
Thanks to the power of Resco Inspections and Resco platform, you can now use your Zebra device for a much wider array of use cases. Go beyond barcode scanning: create digital checklists, fill out the forms in a user-friendly manner, sign forms and generate reports, plan work and traveling, and much more. Visit resco.net/inspections to get started.