Resco mobile apps

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A Resco mobile application is a piece of software installed on a mobile device responsible for executing or interpreting app projects. Resco offers multiple mobile apps that understand app projects.

  • Resco Mobile CRM – a classic, general-purpose app for most scenarios
  • Resco (app) – simple name and modern demo data should make the first contact with Resco more pleasant for the end users without a CRM background
  • Resco Inspections – demo data designed for Inspections scenarios
  • Resco Routes – designed for Routes scenarios

These apps are available on all main platforms (Android, iOS, Windows). All the apps are functionally almost equivalent, the differences are mostly in default settings and demo data.

Tip If you are using Resco Cloud as your backend server, there's also the web client: you can run the app project in a web browser.

Branded apps

We support also creating custom versions of Resco mobile apps with your own name, branding, and icons, and a separate listing in the app stores. Creating custom mobile apps is a paid service.

App permissions

Resco mobile apps require a set of permissions to use various features on your phone for their function. Some of the permissions are listed below.

permissions required by Resco mobile apps

Device permissions

Access to calendar
This permission is needed to connect a private calendar with CRM appointments (show both together). This feature can be disabled by admin via the Woodford tool. Even if enabled, the user is explicitly asked to allow this when he or she opens the calendar for the first time. Without this permission, the private calendar is not used.
Access to photos/camera
This permission is used to import photos to CRM as attachments. Again, it has to be explicitly granted by the user.
Access to contacts
Similar to the calendar, this permission allows merging private contacts with CRM contacts. Users are explicitly asked to allow this when they open contacts for the first time. If they deny this permission, private contacts are not used.
User activity and/or location data is tracked
We don't use user activity, but we use location in many scenarios - like "Update GPS" on account form, we expose it to your Offline HTML solutions and we even allow your admin to enable location tracking which monitors user's movement and stores it to your CRM. But just on-demand and again, users must explicitly grant this permission.
Access to microphone/audio
Required for storing audio notes to CRM and using Voice control with text to speech functionality.
Unencrypted server communication
Some customers use HTTP to access their on-premise CRM instances within their enterprise network.

To learn more details, read our privacy policy.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily remove any of these permissions because it would block the features that require them. If this is not acceptable, you can request your own mobile app with your company branding that can have some features disabled completely. Contact Resco support for details and pricing.

Dynamics permissions

Depending on your backend server and the configured authentication method, the app may request permissions to access the data of your organization.

For example, in the case of Dynamics 365/CRM Online, you may need to grant the required permissions for Resco apps to access your Dynamics data (if you have the rights to do so and the Global Administrator of your tenant has not granted a global consent).

list of permissions needed by Resco

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