Select Form

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Rules and examples

Select Form button.png The Select Form rules are triggered when a form is about to be displayed. They let you set up which form is used for a particular record. For example, the form when creating a new record can display only a subset of fields. Once the record is saved, the full form is displayed instead.

Select Form rules are managed in Woodford, on the list of Mobile Views, Forms and Charts of an entity.

Select Form rule in Woodford list of views, forms and charts

Unlike most rules, Select Form rules are listed directly on the Mobile Views, Forms and Charts screen. To delete a Select Form rule, select FormSelectRule and click Delete.

Note Due to architectural constraints, Select Form rules are not supported for Sales detail entities (such as OpportunityLineItem, OrderItem, QuoteLineItem, DealItem). This applies to all platforms (Salesforce, Dynamics, Resco Cloud). As a workaround, you can use multiple form tabs and show/hide them using On Load rules. In older versions of Woodford, it used to be possible to configure Select Form rules for these entities, but the rules did not work.

Example of a simple select form rule

If Condition Entity.statecode Equals Active
Then Step FormName Assign MyActiveForm
Else Then Step FormName Assign MyInactiveForm

Example: Select a different form for customer and potential customer account

In this example, we prepare two forms—one for the Customer account and the second for the Potential customer account.

First, we have to create a custom field to differentiate between Customer and Potential customer accounts. Go to Admin control, Entities, and click on the Account entity. Create a new Option set field called Account level. Add two options: Customer and Potential customer.

select form example: create field for differentiating account types in admin console

Now, we can prepare a specific form for each account type.

Finally, set up the Select Form rule. If the Account level contains data, start the value-checking branch. If the account level equals Customer, assign Customer form. If the account level contains a Potential customer, assign a Potentialcustomer form.

select form example: rule that applies the correct form

Error: no form displayed

If your select form rule is malformed and no form is specified, the app does not display any form. Instead, the app displays an error message that the configured 'FormSelectRule' does not set any FormName.

See also

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