Mobile users

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You must obtain a license from Resco for each user of Resco Mobile CRM app who wants to synchronize with the server.

Select Mobile Users from the Administration menu of Woodford to manage users and licenses.

Note The Mobile Users section is not available during the trial period. During this period, the customizations can be used for as many users as desired.

The screen is divided into two parts:

  • The Mobile Users pane displays a list of users defined in your organization.
  • The Subscriptions pane shows information about licenses.

You can save the list of users and their license to a CSV file; click Export.

Types of license

App users require one of the following licenses.

  • Standard
  • Inspections (includes the standard license and additionally Inspections features)
  • External (used in projects for external users)

Each user can have only one type of license active. The Standard and Inspections licenses are user licenses. External licenses are per-organization.

Assign licenses automatically

Woodford can be configured to grant your users a suitable license automatically.

  • When you enable Auto-assign licenses option in Woodford Settings, users that log in to your backend server from a mobile device receive a license, as long as there's a license available.
    • A license that matches the project must be available. For Inspections projects, "Inspections" licenses are consumed. For projects with Inspections disabled, "Standard" licenses are consumed.
  • When the automatic assignment is disabled, users are granted a temporary two-week license. Administrators can use this grace period to assign a permanent license manually to the user (see below). Without a permanent license, users lose access to the organization after two weeks.
Note The licensing server will not automatically assign the premium Inspections license if the project does not have Inspections enabled (error “LICENSE: NOT FOUND”). To make sure that your users can automatically claim these licenses, enable Inspections.

You can also decide to Auto-free up of unused licenses. When a new user is eligible for an automatically assigned license, and all existing licenses are taken, the license might be stripped from an inactive user (who has not synced for at least 90 days). The oldest inactive licenses are freed up first.

Assign licenses manually

  1. Start Woodford and select Mobile Users from the Administration menu.
  2. In the Mobile Users pane select the users for who you want to modify licenses.
    • Hold Ctrl to select multiple users.
    • Optionally, use search or filter to find the users.
    • Click Refresh to reload the list of users from the server.
  3. In the Subscriptions pane, enable the license that you want to assign to the users: switch the license selector to the right (green).

You can also use this screen to:

  • Unassign licenses (making them available for other users): switch the license selector back to the central position (gray).
  • Block a user from the automatic assignment of licenses: switch the license selector to the left (red).

Mobile users pane in Woodford Administration menu

In the example above:

  • The first two users have access to the Inspections license. Remember that the Inspections license also includes the Standard license.
  • Next three users have the Standard license.
  • Next three users currently don't have a license, but if the automatic assignment of licenses is enabled, they will receive the necessary license when they synchronize their apps with the server (as long as there are free licenses available).
  • The user Roland currently does not have a license. The Inspections license is also disabled for this user; i.e., when using automatic assignment, he can only claim a Standard license.
  • The last user has all licenses disabled and cannot benefit from automatic license assignment.

Export/import licenses

To work with licenses in bulk, you can import or export licenses.

Mobile users import and export licenses

The Export Users button simply serves to download the full list of users and licenses as displayed on screen. The buttons Import and Export work with active licenses.

Possible use cases include:

  • Back up licenses
  • Transfer licenses between environments
  • Assign new licenses in bulk

Licenses are saved in CSV format.

"Id","Full Name","Email","Standard","Inspections"
"1a75199f-a48b-40d4-b9bc-2ea05faa8197","Matt Ford","someone51@example.com","","Assigned"
"10ac88c8-2226-4a98-ae0c-b7f57df0c4d3","Pete Porter","someone57@example.com","Assigned",""
"1ac99e8f-824b-4b51-84ef-7ff55a555079","Ralf Harper","someone54@example.com","Assigned","Assigned"

If you want to upload new licenses, the best way to start is often to download the existing list to make sure you get the format right. Consider also making an export of your users table to make sure you get the user IDs. Some spreadsheet editing tools are known to leave a trailing blank line at the end of the file; use a plain text editor to remove such lines if your import fails.

License states

The license selector can take three states:

  • Assigned / Enabled: Users with this license state are able to synchronize, access the backend by using Resco mobile apps.
  • Disabled: Users with this license state cannot synchronize (receives error “LICENSE: NOT FOUND”).
  • Unassigned / Pending: User gets into pending state, when the Auto Assign licenses functionality in Woodford’s Setup is disabled, so licenses are assigned only manually. In this case, when a user synchronizes the Mobile CRM app for the first time (or previously used it, but was deleted from the Mobile Users), they get a temporary license, that’s valid for two weeks. During this time administrator can decide whether to assign a license to this user or not. After two weeks, when the temporary license expires, user receives an error “LICENSE: EXPIRED” and is no longer able to synchronize.

If you want to manage licenses manually and decide in advance who can synchronize using mobile CRM app and who cannot, you need to grant licenses and disable users in advance.

Information about license errors are also available in the sync log.

Web app / web services access

Since release 14.1 (June 2021), access to web apps and web services properly consumes licenses.

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