Resco for Salesforce

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Resco for Salesforce landing page

Resco for Salesforce is a Resco webpage where you log in with your Salesforce credentials to access Resco functions for Salesforce.

Connect to organization

  1. Connect to your organization here:
  2. If you are connecting for the first time:
    • You are redirected to a permissions page. Click Allow to provide Resco/Woodford access to information from Salesforce.
    • In the next step, create a Resco organization by filling in your contact details. Click Connect Resco to Salesforce to proceed.
  3. You are redirected to the organization welcome page.

Access Resco features

The following features are available:

Download Apps
You can access Resco apps and tools for Salesforce here:
See Connecting to CRM for information on how to connect your app to Salesforce.
configuration tool for building and managing app projects using the Resco platform
Sync Dashboard
tool for monitoring how your apps and users behave in terms of synchronization
Mobile Report Editor
tool for designing custom document templates
Guides Editor
tool for designing guides, step-by-step instructions that combine text content, images, videos, and PDF attachments

Problem connecting to Resco for Salesforce

When you create a new admin user in Salesforce and use it for connecting to the Resco for Salesforce website, you can encounter a problem with connecting to the organization. There are two ways how to fully activate the user and solve this problem:

  • Log in to Resco for Salesforce with the original admin user, start Woodford, and update the metadata.
  • Log in to Resco Mobile CRM app as the new user at least once.

See also

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