Resco Field Sales+

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Resco Field Sales+ provides offline mobility to your sales solutions built on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales or Salesforce Sales Cloud. It allows your salespersons to connect with your customers in remote landscapes or locations with high security where the internet connection is limited. Field Sales+ includes lead management, activity management, email integration, dashboard, calendar, maps, account and contact management, and more.​

Resco sales solution helps to:

  • increase external sales productivity with AI image recognition, digital signatures, GPS, location tracking, or integrated inspections functionality.
  • manage leads and deal statuses, opportunities and tasks while are your sales reps or field agents on the move.
  • customize the app to increase user adoption and eliminate unnecessary clicks


The Resco mobile sales solution is based on the versatile Mobile App Development Toolkit with the following main components:

  • Resco Mobile CRM – A mobile app that grants you access to your sales data and processes right on your mobile device, even offline
  • Custom app project – a pre-configured version of the app
  • Woodford – configuration tool for modifying the app projects to match the needs of your organization better

Basic sales entities

This section describes the main entities of mobile sales projects on the Resco Cloud backend. However, much of the information also applies to sales processes in general.

The Account entity represents your business partner or your customer. It holds basic information about the account, like contact information and address. If you open the Account form in your app, you can also see a list of associated (related) Contacts and Opportunities.

Resco models the sales process in the following way:

Schema of basic entities involved in the Sales process

The entity Lead represents an individual or company with an interest in buying your product (e.g., responded to your advertising, liked your post on social media, spoke to you at a conference). Leads have ratings - hot, warm, cold. Leads are considered temporary and companies usually have a qualification process set to determine whether the lead is a viable customer. This usually involves some communication between the salesperson and the lead.

If the salespersons decide a lead is qualified, they select this option in the app. The state of lead changes, a new opportunity is created, and, if the lead is a new customer, a new account and contact, too. The Opportunity represents a potential sales transaction - it usually contains more information than a lead (e.g., estimated revenue).

After creating the opportunity, the sales team determines what products and/or services are of interest to the customer. Once all the products/services are selected, a Quote can be generated from the opportunity. This quote is sent as a proposal to the customer for acceptance.

An accepted quote can generate an Order, and the associated opportunity is closed as won. Once the order is fulfilled, an Invoice is generated to bill the customer.

Another interesting entity is Product. It represents either a physical inventory item (such as lumber or a nail) or service (such as a haircut or tree pruning) that a company sells. Products from the product catalog can be used to build quotes and orders and can be associated with opportunities or service cases.

To count a product price, use the entities Price List and Price List Item. A price list defines pricing levels. A price list item informs how to price a product in the specified pricing level, including pricing method, rounding option, and discount type. Pricing is done based on a specified product unit (box, package, kilogram...) stored in an entity Unit.

Products and price list items

When adding Products to Sales Order, a new record of Order Product entity is created in the runtime of the mobile client. Use Price Lists, Units, and Price List Items properties of these added products. A similar principle applies to all sales entities (Quotes, Opportunities, Invoices).

To run all the background price calculations correctly, there are some prerequisites that must be met.

  • The Order must have Price List and Currency lookup fields defined.
  • Per each Product you’d like to work with, there must exist at least one Price List Item record.
  • These are the required fields for Price List Items:
    • Currency
    • Price List
    • Product
    • Unit
    • Quantity Selling Option
    • Pricing method
    • Amount (when Pricing Method is Currency Amount)
    • Percentage (when Pricing Method is other than Currency Amount)

In the Product List selection in the mobile app, you see only those Products whose Currency and Price List lookup fields are in compliance with Sales Order field selection. The pricing information and prices calculations are based on the same logic as in the default Dynamics Sales scenario, see Microsoft documentation for more information.

Write-in products

Not all products must be included in the product catalog. You can use write-in products to add an ad hoc product to your opportunity.

add a fake product placeholder - a write-in product - to your opportunity

To enable write-in products, enable the fields Write-In Product (productdescription) and Select Product (isproductoverridden) for the "Opportunity Line" entity in Woodford. If you disable the fields, the button for adding write-in products is no longer available.

A similar function is also available for orders and quotes. Enable or disable the fields on the entities "Order Line" and "Quote Line".

Rounding policy on price list items

Consider the following third-party blogs if you need to understand the various rounding policies on price list items. This behavior applies to Dynamics and Resco Cloud organizations. Blog

See also