User interface components |
Chart views are an optional component of mobile apps. The main purpose of a chart is to display a list of records of a particular entity on a graph. Records can be grouped by a field and you can display per-group aggregate values, such as count, count of distinct values, sum, minimum, maximum, or average value.
Charts are defined for each entity. A single entity can have multiple charts. If an entity has at least one chart, app users can switch to charts from a view.
There are two options where to define charts:
- Woodford administrators can create and manage charts available for all users in an app project.
- App users can create and manage their private charts.
Managing charts in Woodford
Charts are associated with an entity. To see a list of charts for an entity, edit an app project, select the entity and click Show UI.
On the Mobile Views, Forms and Charts screen, you can add, clone, or remove charts, edit them and change their properties, as well as export them (to a file in XML format) or import them (for example, to a different app project).
Creating a chart in Woodford
- Select the entity in the Project menu and click Show UI.
- Click New Chart and name it, then click OK.
- Select a chart type on the toolbar, for example Donut.
- Specify which fields should be displayed on the charts on the Properties pane.
- Optionally, if you want to limit the displayed values, click Edit Filter and create a filtering rule.
- Click Save & Close to finish the chart.
An example of a multi-series chart setup can be found in our Blog Post. Blog
Adding charts to your app in Woodford
Charts can be added to your app in two ways.
- When an entity with at least one chart is available on the Home screen, users can switch their view to a chart view. You can even make chart view the default initial view: Double-click the entity on the Home screen to display its properties, switch to the Charts tab and check Initial View.
- Charts are one of the possible components on a dashboard. See Dashboard for more information.
Designing charts in the app
- Tap Setup on the home screen.
- Scroll down to My customizations section and tap Private Charts to display a list of your private charts.
- To create a new chart, tap the + button and select an entity.
- Enter a name.
- Select the chart type and enter additional properties.
- Tap Save.
Your new chart is now available as an alternate rendering of the entity. Select the entity from home screen, then use the buttons in the top right corner to toggle between list, map, and charts view.
Example: Opportunities per year and account
In this example, we want to list the sum of estimated revenue from opportunities per year. Within each year, we want to see the values for each customer.
- Edit an app project.
- Select Entities > Opportunity from the Project menu, then click Show UI.
- Click New Chart and name it.
- Choose a Column chart and select Est. Revenue (summed) as your legend entries.
- Use Created On (Year) and Potential Customer on your horizontal axis label.
- Save all changes and publish the project.
- Synchronize the app and switch the view for opportunities to the chart view.
- You can use the controls in the app to switch between stacked and grouped view, and you can also modify the time period for grouping.
Charts with JSBridge
You can also configure charts using JavaScript.
- Select the entity in the Project menu and click Show UI.
- Click New Chart and name it, then click OK.
- Click iFrame to configure external datasource.
- As Url, enter a link to an HTML file with the chart (or click Browse and select the file from your Offline HTML folder). Click Manage if you need to upload the file.
- Check Provides Data Source.
- Click OK and then save the chart. All other properties in chart configuration are ignored.
Note | JavaScript datasource for charts is not supported if you have legacy charts enabled via configuration. |
Sample template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!-- Activate IE9 document mode, if available. -->
<!-- If missing, the WebBrowser control on Windows runs in default IE8 mode which is not supported by JSBridge. -->
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge' />
<!-- Defined iOS viewport -->
<!-- If missing, the UIWebView control on iOS zooms out the web page and allows the pinch zoom. -->
<meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no'>
<!-- JSBridge must be explicitly included, otherwise the bridge is not accessible from Javascript. -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='../../APPX/www/JSBridge.js'></script>
<h3>Welcome to sample page.</h3>
<p>Example shows how to set custom data source on entity list view.</p>
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function setDataSource() {
var dataSource = new MobileCRM.UI.ChartDataSource();
//dataSource.loadOfflineData = { type : 'line', data : {
// //Chart column labels
// labels: ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S'],
// datasets: [{
// label: 'Apples',
// //Chart column values
// data: [12, 19, 3, 17, 6, 3, 7],
// //backgroundColor: Only for multiple datasets
// backgroundColor: "#D93600"
// }]
// }
dataSource.loadCustomFetch = function () {
var fetch = this.fetch;
var filter = new MobileCRM.FetchXml.Filter();
var parentNotNullCondition = new MobileCRM.FetchXml.Condition();
parentNotNullCondition.attribute = "ownerid";
parentNotNullCondition.operator = "not-null";
var conditionStartsWith = new MobileCRM.FetchXml.Condition();
conditionStartsWith.attribute = "name";
conditionStartsWith.operator = "like";
conditionStartsWith.value = "W%";
filter.conditions.push(parentNotNullCondition, conditionStartsWith);
filter.type = "and";
var originalFilter = fetch.entity.filter;
if (originalFilter && originalFilter.conditions != null) {
var combinedFilter = new MobileCRM.FetchXml.Filter();
combinedFilter.type = "and";
combinedFilter.filters = [filter, originalFilter];
fetch.entity.filter = combinedFilter;
fetch.entity.filter = filter; // Set the new filter to fetch entity
fetch.execute("DynamicEntities", function (entities) {
// This is the final place to manipulate with the array of loaded entities before it is passed to the EntityList.
}, MobileCRM.bridge.alert, this);
/** Call this before document load finishes (only if iFrame is marked to 'Provide data source' */