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Users of Resco Mobile CRM and other Resco mobile apps can configure some aspects of their mobile app. This configuration is usually available from the home screen by tapping Setup or Settings.

Not all configuration parameters are available on all platforms. Also, your Woodford administrator can make some of the parameters unavailable in the app (using Configuration), or even remove the Setup item from the menu.

Using setup

Setup/settings screen in Resco mobile apps
  • The configuration parameters are organized into multiple logical blocks. Scroll down to the section that's important for you. Or type a few letters of the parameter name into the search bar to filter the entries.
  • Modify the settings as needed and tap the Save icon in the top right corner. Restart the application to make the changes active. Some configuration changes might additionally require a fresh synchronization.
  • The Setup screen also allows you to access the About screen. Tap the (i) button.

How to access the setup as a first-time user of Resco Mobile CRM

Even brand-new users of the Resco Mobile CRM app can access Setup and perform configuration changes necessary for connecting to their CRM.

  1. On the Welcome to Resco Mobile CRM screen, tap Skip & use demo data.
  2. On the next screen, tap Skip.

You can then access Setup as normal.

Root settings

Shows the current user of the app. Tap to display the synchronization window. You can review or modify the sync details and initiate a full-flow synchronization.
Switch between the online mode (app uses data stored on the device) and the offline mode (app uses data stored on the server).
Use Fingerprint
Use Touch ID or Face ID to log in to the app.
Switch to a different app project available for the currently logged-in user.


Toggle between the light and the dark theme. Requires that your app project's theme has a brand color defined.
Change the language of the app (see list of supported languages). By default, it is set to Automatic. This means the app uses the language of your mobile device. Only languages added to the project/organization using localization are displayed.
Distance Units
Select whether to use metric or imperial distance units.
Display Density
Set up the resolution (DPI) for your Android device (tablet or smartphone) – from Low to Extra Extra High.
Cards layout
In forms, switch between "cards layout" (former name flexible form/new form design) where all form cards are displayed and "tabbed layout" where a single form tab is displayed at a time.
Navigate to
Select the map app used for navigation.

External accounts

Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to SharePoint (cloud storage service).
Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to Exchange (mail, contacts, calendar).
Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to OneDrive (cloud storage service).
Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to Dropbox (cloud storage service).
Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to Box (cloud storage service).
Connect your Resco Mobile CRM to DocuSign (legally binding signatures in mobile reports).


Send email via
Select Device App to send mail using the default mail app installed on your device.
Select CRM Server to send mail via the CRM server (if supported by the server).
Users must have the right to create new records for the email entity and the attachment entity (activitymimeattachment).
If you have enabled integration with third-party mail services such as Exchange, you can use those services.
Use HTML email
Show mail as HTML or plain text. (Applies to CRM emails where HTML wasn’t stripped off. Exchange and Salesforce emails are always shown as HTML.)
Enter a text signature for your emails.
Load external content / Show images
Display remote content (often images or styles) in mail messages
Mark email as read
Should mail be marked as read after being displayed?

Device integration

Call via
Select how to initiate phone calls from the app.
Device search

Personal information management

Show personal contacts
Show contacts from the device in the app's list of contacts
Show personal calendars
Show device calendar events in the app's calendar
Send invitations
Generate Exchange meeting invitations from your appointments
When enabled, your mobile device will show you reminders of your upcoming CRM activities.

My customizations

If the user has a created their own views, dashboards, or charts, they can be managed from here.

My Views
Manage the Private Views you created using Advanced Find.
My Dashboards
Create or edit your custom dashboards.
Private Charts
Create or edit your custom charts.


Online mode
Select when should online mode be used:
  • Always – app runs always in online mode
  • WiFi Only – app runs in online mode when the device is connected to internet via WiFi
  • Manual – user can switch between Online and Offline mode manually
  • Never – online mode is always switched off
Auto sync
Select when to run automatic synchronization
  • Never – auto synchronization is turned off
  • On Start – app syncs automatically at the start of the app
  • On Change – every time the user modifies something, the app will automatically sync the change
  • On Start & Change – combination of both
Background sync (Sync login)
When background sync is enabled, the synchronization window is not displayed when sync your app. The app performs synchronization in the background; you can continue using your app even while it synchronizes with your CRM server.
Max attachment size
Specify the maximum size (in Bytes) of files and attachments that are downloaded to your app during synchronization. Larger attachments can still be downloaded on demand, but they are unavailable when offline.
Download multiple attachments
Traditionally, attachments are downloaded sequentially, one by one. Optionally, you can download multiple attachments in one batch.
Max sync records per entity
Set the maximum number of records that are synchronized for each menu item (entity).
If you don’t see all your contacts, accounts, orders, etc. you need to increase this number. For instance: If you have 12.000 contacts and this value is set to 10.000, 2.000 contacts will be missing in your app. In general, using this parameter is discouraged. We recommend using Sync Filter to control which records are available offline.
Diagnostic sync log
Troubleshooting setting. Enable if you need more detailed information written to the sync log.
Use TDS download method
Opt in to enable faster sync (experimental).
Max image size
Limit the resolution of images: Default / 640 x 480 / 1024 x 768 / 1600 x 1200 / 2048 x 1536 / 2592 x 1936
Save captured images to gallery
Whenever you take a photo in the app, it is also saved to the platform-specific gallery/photos folder.
Record quality
The recording quality for audio or video taken in the app. This setting affects the size of the recording. Recording quality depends on the platform and the specific device. For example, these are the settings for the Windows Store version of the app:
Video Capture
  • LowDefinition = The user can select resolutions up to low definition resolutions.
  • StandardDefinition = The user can select resolutions up to standard definition resolutions.
  • HighestAvailable = The user can select any resolution.
Audio Capture
  • High = Stereo, professional audio sampling rate (48 kHz), 192 kilobits per second (kbps) data transfer rate.
  • Medium = Stereo, CD-quality sampling rate (44.1 kHz), 128 kilobits per second (kbps) data transfer rate.
  • Low = Mono, CD-quality sampling rate (44.1 kHz), 96 kilobits per second (kbps) data transfer rate.
Android app ignores these settings. Windows Desktop app doesn't support audio/video capture.


App folder
Quickly switch between different app projects synchronized on the device. See App folder for details.
Delete data
You can delete your whole database from the app on your device here. All saved data and previously synchronized, can be then downloaded again with synchronizing the app with the server.
Web service
  • Auto – standard setting
  • Crm4
  • Crm2011
  • Xrm – if you have issues with synchronization, choose the Xrm option
Default fetch page size
Specify the maximum number of records to download in one request. This is the default value; Woodford admins can override this value in Sync Config. In general, users should not modify this unless instructed by their support provider.
Storage analyzer, SyncStats analyzer
Couple of tools aimed at system administrators and support staff.
Show "Change list"
Add a new temporary item called Change List to your home screen. It allows you to display records changed in the local database on the device, waiting for synchronization.
Refresh feature flags
Retrieve the latest feature flags from the server.
License server
Route optimization service
Users can switch between Beta (evaluation and experimental) and Production (tested and fully supported) versions of web service performing route optimization for Routes AI.
Client certificate
Pinned certificates
Refuses server connection if the HTTPS certificate does not match SHA1 fingerprint.
If set to true (default), the application will use system browser (Edge for Windows, Chrome for Android, Safari for iOS devices) which shares cache and cookies with Resco Mobile CRM app, which in return allows you to pick device-stored credentials to log in with.
If set to false, the app will use the internal browser (application infrastructure) when logging in.
MSAL mode
Select how to use the MSAL authentication in Resco Mobile CRM: Off, No Prompt, Select, No Prompt with Broker, Select with Broker.
  • Off: Fall back to the previous authentication method without MSAL.
  • Select: Display a list of previously used accounts; users can select which to use.
  • No prompt: Attempt to authenticate silently. This may work if you are already authenticated on a Windows computer. Falls back to a prompt if silent authentication is not viable.
  • With broker: Use the Microsoft Authenticator broker app (on Android/iOS devices; the app must be installed). On Windows, use Web Account Manager (Windows component) as the broker.
HTTP stack
Determines whether to use the native HTTP stack or Microsoft .Net stack. Native stack is usually faster. Choose .Net stack if you experience authentication or other connection issues.
RFID Device
External RFID scanners can be paired with Android devices via Bluetooth and provide data for the Resco Mobile CRM application. Contact Resco support for more information.

Setup parameter names on Power Platform

On Power Platform / Dynamics, the names of the parameters are stored in localization when Resco is first connected to the Power Platform. As a result, you might see older parameter names on these platforms.

Deprecated settings

As part of the redesign in release 18.0, some setup options were deprecated and are no longer accessible to users. If some of the deprecated settings are useful to you, you need to contact Resco support to unlock the deprecated section of Setup for you.

  • Use System OAuth
  • Use Common Endpoints For OAuth
  • AutoFormGrid
  • Web Browser

Show on Home

  • Map
  • Dashboard
  • Exchange Folder
  • Web UI
  • Entity

Legacy setup

If you are using Resco Mobile CRM 17.2.12 or earlier, the settings are organized differently. Refer to the table below.

Setup parameters in older versions of Resco Mobile CRM
Displays the synchronization window. You can review or modify the details of your current user and organization, or even start synchronization from here directly.
Switch to a different app project available for the currently logged-in user.
Internally, all metadata and data of an app project are saved to a local folder on your device. You can use the parameter AppFolder to specify the folder. This allows you to have multiple customizations (app projects) installed on a single device in parallel; in different folders. You can then simply modify the AppFolder to quickly change to a different organization/user/project.
Resco mobile apps always use a published project of the highest priority suitable for their security role; and AppFolder does not modify this behavior. You need to use a different user (or a wholly different organization) to connect to other projects.
If you want to add a project:
  1. Set AppFolder to a unique value, for example, TestProject.
    Do not use spaces or characters that cannot be used in folder names. Excluded characters depend on your device OS.
  2. Confirm the app folder name:
    • On Windows computers, press Enter on the keyboard.
    • On Android device, tap the magnifying glass icon on the on-screen keyboard.
    • On iOS, tap return on the on-screen keyboard.
  3. Save the configuration and restart the app.
  4. Connect to the project; it will be saved to the folder specified.
If you want to switch to a different project:
  1. Change AppFolder to a value that you previously used for a project.
  2. Save the configuration and restart the app.
The AppFolder parameter is available on all platforms. For Windows apps, you can alternatively use the command line option -r to achieve similar effect.
See also a short demonstration of this functionality. YouTube
SharePoint, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box
Log in to your documents server.
Configure your connection to Microsoft Exchange Server.
Configure your connection to Google. This includes Gmail and Google Drive.
Configure your connection to DocuSign server. For more information, read how to add legally-binding digital signatures to forms. Blog
Online Mode
Select when should online mode be used:
  • Always – app runs always in online mode
  • WiFi Only – app runs in online mode when the device is connected to internet via WiFi
  • Manual – user can switch between Online and Offline mode manually
  • Never – online mode is always switched off
Auto Sync
Select when to run automatic synchronization
  • Never – auto synchronization is turned off
  • On Start – app syncs automatically at the start of the app
  • On Change – every time the user modifies something, the app will automatically sync the change
  • On Start & Change – combination of both
Sync Login
When disabled, the synchronization window is not displayed when sync your app. The app performs synchronization in the background; you can continue using your app even while it synchronizes with your CRM server.
Save Password
  • On – app does not require the login information each time it is launched.
  • Off – after restarting the app, you only fill in the password (if the user name stays the same) or all info (if the user name has changed).
Use Fingerprint
When enabled, on app start, the app requires that you log in using the fingerprint saved in your device. You can cancel the touch sensor and provide the password instead. See also a blog post explaining this use case in more detail. Blog
  • Theme – Light or Dark. Requires that your app project's theme has brand color defined.
  • Language – Change the language of the app (see list of supported languages). By default, it is set to Automatic. This means the app uses the language of your mobile device. Only languages added to the project/organization using localization are displayed.
  • New Form UI – Use flexible form view to display forms instead of the tabbed view.
  • Private Views – If you created and saved your Private Views with Advanced Find, you can clone, delete, edit, or rename them here.
  • Max Image Size – Default / 640 x 480 / 1024 x 768 / 1600 x 1200 / 2048 x 1536 / 2592 x 1936
  • Save captured images to gallery – Photos and media captured in the app are also saved in your device's image/media gallery.
  • Record Quality – Select the quality of videos stored in notes: Low / Medium / High (available for iOS and Windows Store versions of the app)
  • Distance Units – Select which distance units to use: metric or imperial.
  • Map – Show or hide map on the home screen
  • Show Map
  • Download Offline Maps
  • Remove Offline Maps
  • Dashboard – Show or hide dashboard on the home screen
  • Change List – Add a new temporary item called Change List to your home screen. It allows you to display records changed in the local database on the device, waiting for synchronization.
  • Design Dashboards – Design your own dashboard directly in the app.
  • Private Charts - Design your own chart directly in the app.
  • AutoFormGrid – The minimum width in pixels after which a form switches to the automatic grid mode.
  • Display Density – Set up the resolution (DPI) for your Android device (tablet or smartphone) – from Low to Extra Extra High.
  • Voice Control – Enable to control your app by voice.
  • Call Via
  • Navigate To
  • Personal Contacts
  • Personal Calendars
  • Send Invites – Generate Exchange meeting invitations from your appointments
  • Use Reminders – If this is set to ON, your mobile device will show you reminders of your upcoming CRM activities.
  • Send Email Via
    • Device App: send mail using the default mail app installed on your device
    • CRM Server: send mail via the CRM server
Users must have the right to create new records for the email entity and the attachment entity (activitymimeattachment).
    • Alternatively, if you have enabled integration with third-party mail services, such as Google or Exchange, you can use those services.
  • HTML Emails – Show emails as HTML or plain text. (Applies to CRM emails where HTML wasn’t stripped off. Google, Exchange, and Salesforce emails are always shown as HTML.)
  • Signature – Enter a text signature for your emails.
  • Exchange Folder
  • Show Images
  • Mark Email Read – Number of seconds to wait before an email is marked as read (-1 for never).
Home Realm
This is a system setup. No need to change anything.
ADFS Username
If set to true (default), the application will use system browser (Edge for Windows, Chrome for Android, Safari for iOS devices) which shares cache and cookies with Resco Mobile CRM app, which in return allows you to pick device-stored credentials to log in with.
If set to false, the app will use the internal browser (application infrastructure) when logging in.
Select how to use the MSAL authentication in Resco Mobile CRM: Off, No Prompt, Select, No Prompt with Broker, Select with Broker.
  • Off: Fall back to the previous authentication method without MSAL.
  • Select: Display a list of previously used accounts; users can select which to use.
  • No prompt: Attempt to authenticate silently. This may work if you are already authenticated on a Windows computer. Falls back to a prompt if silent authentication is not viable.
  • With broker: Use the Microsoft Authenticator broker app (on Android/iOS devices; the app must be installed). On Windows, use Web Account Manager (Windows component) as the broker.
Web Service
  • Auto – standard setting
  • Crm4
  • Crm2011
  • Xrm – if you have issues with synchronization, choose the Xrm option
Route Optimization Service
Users can switch between Beta (evaluation and experimental) and Production (tested and fully supported) versions of web service performing route optimization for Routes AI.
Delete Data
You can delete your whole database from the app on your device here. All saved data and previously synchronized, can be then downloaded again with synchronizing the app with the server.
Storage Analyzer & SyncStats Analyzer
Pair of tools aimed at system administrators and support staff.
Max Attachment Size
Specify the maximum size (in Bytes) of files and attachments that are downloaded to your app during synchronization. Larger attachments can still be downloaded on demand, but they are unavailable when offline.
Download Multiple Attachments
Traditionally, attachments are downloaded sequentially, one by one. Optionally, you can download multiple attachments in one batch.
Max Sync Records
Set the maximum number of records that are synchronized for each menu item (entity).
If you don’t see all your contacts, accounts, orders, etc. you need to increase this number. For instance: If you have 12.000 contacts and this value is set to 10.000, 2.000 contacts will be missing in your app. In general, using this parameter is discouraged. We recommend using Sync Filter to control which records are available offline.
Diag. Sync Log
Troubleshooting setting. Enable if you need more detailed information written to the sync log.
Default Fetch Page Size
Specify the maximum number of records to download in one request. This is the default value; Woodford admins can override this value in Sync Config. In general, users should not modify this unless instructed by their support provider.
Opt in to enable faster sync (experimental).
Customize the entity lists that you want to have available in the home screen. Entities that you disable are still available on your device, they are just hidden from the home screen.
Your Woodford administrator can make some entities permanently unavailable in the mobile app (Manage entities) or restrict what records are synchronized (Sync Filter); this can greatly reduce synchronization times.
Client Certificate
RFID Device
External RFID scanners can be paired with Android devices via Bluetooth and provide data for the Resco Mobile CRM application. Contact Resco support for more information.

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