Resco Suite
Dataverse/Dynamics |
Resco Suite is a managed solution for Microsoft Power Platform. It extends your Microsoft Dynamics/Dataverse/Power Platform with Resco features. Formerly, Resco Suite was often called "Woodford solution", but Woodford is only a part of the package.
Resco Suite solution
Resco Suite solution is a prerequisite for Resco products and features, such as:
- Mobility for Dataverse/Dynamics
- Inspections on Dataverse/Dynamics
- Inspections on Power Platform
The solution includes more than 800 objects:
- Data model changes: new custom tables + additions to the existing Dataverse tables, including new views and forms
- A model-driven app serving admins in charge of setting up and configuring Resco features
- Web resources (the model-driven app uses some, others can be used for building your own apps with Resco features)
Installing Resco Suite
If you are using Microsoft Dynamics or Microsoft Dataverse:
- Go to the Downloads and Logins page.
- Download the appropriate solution file, depending on your Dynamics version.
- Go to and log in as a system administrator.
- Select the environment where you want to install Resco Suite.
- Select Solutions from the left navigation.
- On the command bar, click Import solution and select the downloaded Woodford zip file.
- Finish the import wizard.
- Publish all customizations.
See your Dataverse or Dynamics documentation for more information about uploading solution packages or publishing customizations.
Microsoft Dynamics (legacy UI)
If you are using older Microsoft Dynamics user interface:
- Go to the Downloads and Logins page.
- Download the appropriate solution file, depending on your Dynamics version.
- Log in to Dynamics as a system administrator.
- Go to Settings > Customization > Solutions.
- Click Import and select the downloaded Woodford zip file.
- Finish the import wizard.
- Publish all customizations.
- Reload the Dynamics webpage (often, this can be accomplished by pressing F5).
Woodford is now available in the CRM Settings, under MobileCRM section.
See your Dynamics documentation for more information about uploading solution packages or publishing customizations.
Managing Resco Suite
Updating Resco Suite
If you need to update your Resco Suite solution to a new version, we recommend the following:
- First, back up your Woodford projects.
- Use the procedure for new installation; however, you need to perform an additional step during the solution import wizard. Your Dynamics or Power Platform detects that the solution package contains an update for a solution that is already installed.
- On the Power Platform, expand Advanced settings and select Upgrade.
- Dynamics, select Maintain customizations (recommended).
We recommend keeping your Resco Suite updated. We may decline to provide technical support if your Resco Suite is older than one year.
Uninstalling Resco Suite
To uninstall Resco Suite from Dataverse/Dynamics:
- Optionally, back up your projects using the Export function in Woodford.
- Optionally, back up data in your custom Resco entities.
- If you are using Plugins (N:N Relationship, Delete, Owner), deactivate them for each entity.
- Remove the Resco Suite solution file.
If you encounter a problem while removing the solution, the log file can often explain what went wrong. Check also Microsoft documentation about removing dependencies.
Note | All projects and records in resco_ entities are removed. You lose app projects, mobile reports, questionnaires, mobile audit data.
Roles and permissions
Here's an overview of the different Power Platform roles that can access Resco Suite and Woodford.
- A system administrator role is necessary to install Resco Suite.
- Users with the system customizer role have almost the same privileges as admins. One notable exception is that they cannot create new app projects.
- Users with the resco system admin role can also work with Woodford. However, the role comes with no entity permissions. Usually, these users should also have different role(s) with access to project entities (resco_mobileproject, resco_mobileprojectitem, ...) and business entities (account, contact, ...).
Resco Suite app
In the list of published apps, search for Resco Suite: You can then access the different Resco features:
- Designer tools
- Woodford: Customization and configuration of Resco mobile application directly from your web browser.
- Reports: Create and manage your custom mobile reports.
- Questionnaire Designer: Questionnaire building and customization tool.
- Manager tools
- Location Monitor: View and analyze the position of mobile users.
- Schedule Board: Assign appointments to users.
- Questionnaires: Display the list of questionnaire templates (and answered questionnaires when using the traditional questionnaire table for answers)
- Answered questionnaires: Display the list of answered questionnaires
- Results Viewer: Display, filter, and export answered questionnaires
- Audit
- Mobile Audit: View a chronological list of transactions across records and users.
- Mobile Audit Map: View transactions across records and users on a map.
- Sync Dashboard: Monitor synchronization details of your users and devices.
Integrating web resources into custom apps
Resco Suite comes with several web resources that you might want to add and integrate into your own custom app. Check out the full list of included web resources on Power Platform. Selected resources are listed here for your convenience.
Location Monitor | resco_MobileCRM/locationMonitorEntry.html |
Result Viewer (full app) | resco_MobileCRM/resultsViewerEntry.html |
Result Viewer (associated questionnaires) | resco_MobileCRM/associatedResultsViewerEntry.html |
Schedule Board | resco_MobileCRM/schedulerEntry.html |
Sync Dashboard | resco_MobileCRM/syncDashboardEntry.html |