Admin Console

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Resco Cloud administration

Admin Console is a server administration center for the backend configuration. Recommended only for administrators; use it to manage users, import data, create entities, fields, and much more. The console is used when you are using Resco Cloud as your backend server.

Accessing the console

resco cloud admin console
  1. Using a web browser, connect to your organization:
  2. Enter your organization name, user email address, and password.
  3. Click Log In.
  4. On the landing page of your organization, click Admin Console.

User profile

To display your user profile, and potentially update your user data including password, click the drop-down arrow next to your login name in the top right corner and select Profile. Perform all changes, then click Save & Close.


Select Data > Manage Data from the menu to display a list of entities. Click an entity to display its records. You can filter records, edit them, delete them, or create new ones. You can export entries to a file in .csv format, or import new records from a file.

Import contacts

You can import your contacts from Gmail, Outlook, or LinkedIn. These will be added as records of the Contacts entity.

  1. Export the contacts from the third party to a file in CSV format.
  2. Click Import ... Contacts and select the CSV file you want to import.
  3. Select the code page and delimiter used in your CSV file. Optionally, set a primary key.
  4. Check Auto create customer if you want to create companies from your contacts as new accounts.
  5. Optionally, alter the mapping between CSV headers and entity columns.
  6. Click Save.

Importing entity records

You can import records from a CSV file.

  • If you first export some records, you can then edit the exported file to ensure that you have the right format and column names.
  • If you enable Show System Fields, the exported file will include the Id field (primary key).
  1. In the Admin Console, select Data > Manage Data from the menu.
  2. Click the entity for which you want to import records.
  3. Click Import and upload the CSV file with data.
  4. The import confirmation screen displays a list of records that will be created or updated.
    • Select the proper Code page and Delimiter that match your CSV file.
    • Select one of the fields as the Primary key. The import will process the rows one by one and either create the records - or update them if the primary key value matches an existing record in the database. Set the primary key to "<None>" and don't import the ID field to ensure that new records are created.
    • In the preview table, select which columns to import into which entity fields.
  5. Click Save.

For Note (annotation) entity and also other custom entities with binary attachments, you can also import the documents (e.g., images). These can be either base64-encoded and included directly in the CSV, or you can import a ZIP file with one CSV and the individual documents. In this case, the CSV should contain the correct file name in the document field, instead of the base64 content.


Select Data > Entities from the menu to display a list of entities. You can add new entities or delete existing.

Click an entity to display its properties and a list of fields. You can add or remove fields of the entity.

Click a field to display its properties. You cannot change its logical name and type, but other parameters can be changed.

Resco Cloud supports the following field types:

  • Two Options
  • Date and Time
  • Decimal Number
  • Floating Point Number
  • Whole Number
  • Lookup
  • Currency
  • Option Set
  • Single Line of Text
  • Multiple Lines of Text
  • File

For selected field types, you can also set up Format. It controls how the field behaves in the app. For example, a "call" button is displayed to users next to text fields formatted as "phone number". See formatting for details.

Entity maps

Select Data > Entity Maps from the menu to manage entity maps. Entity maps serve for pre-populating some fields of target entity record when created from parent, for example:

  • When you create a related record from the parent record's entity form, e.g., create a contact from the account form.
  • The conversion of one entity record to a record of another entity. This is typically used in sales scenarios, where you convert a lead into an opportunity, etc.

To define a new entity map:

  1. Select New from the toolbar.
  2. Select a source and a target entity and click Save.
  3. Select a field from the source entity, pair it with a field from the target entity, and click Add.
  4. You can add multiple pairs.

The fields are then automatically filled when the target record is created. This function requires that the entities Entity Map and Attribute Map (and the important fields for these entities) are enabled in your app project. If there's no entity map created, identical fields are mapped by default.

Automatic numbering

Select Data > Auto-Numbering from the menu to display a list of number sequences. You can define new sequences, edit or delete existing ones. You can export entries to a file in .csv format, or import new entries from a file.

To define new numbering:

  1. Select New from the toolbar.
  2. Name your numbering.
  3. Select the scope: Should each user or business unit have its own numbering sequence, or should the numbers be global?
  4. Select the entity and an attribute that should be numbered.
  5. If you want to reset the counter periodically, select how often and set to what value should it reset.
  6. Use the Suffix Length and Format parameters to set up the custom format for your numbering sequence.
  7. Click Save & Close.

The next number from the sequence is assigned by the server. I.e., when you create a new record in the app:

  • in online mode, the number is assigned immediately
  • in offline mode, the number is assigned during synchronization.


Select Resources > Users from the menu to display a list of users. You can add or delete users, or set their password. Use the link in the Project column to open their app project in Woodford.

Click a user name to edit its details. You can also add or delete the roles of a user here.

Tip Admin users cannot be deleted. First, you must remove admin privileges from such users; then, they can be deleted.

Create a user

  1. Start the admin console.
  2. Select Resources > Users from the menu.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter the details of the new user. Don't forget to add one or more roles.
    Adding a user in admin console
  5. Click Save & Close.

Set password

  1. Start the admin console.
  2. Select Resources > Users from the menu.
  3. Select one or more users, then click Set Password.
  4. Select what password-related management tasks do you want to perform:
    • Random: Check to generate a new random password for the selected users.
    • New password and Confirm password: Enter a new password for the users.
    • Must change password: Selected users must change password next time they connect to the backend server.
    • Send to users by email: Send the new random or configured password in an email to your users.
    Set password options in the admin console
  5. Click Confirm.


Select Resources > Teams from the menu to display a list of teams. You can add or delete teams, edit teams properties and manage its members.

Business units

Select Resources > Business Units from the menu to display a list of business units. You can add or delete business units and define parent-child relationships between them. A child unit can have one parent; a parent can have multiple child units.

Security roles

Select Resources > Security Roles from the menu to display a list of security roles, for example field worker or system administrator. You can add or delete roles, or clone them to create a duplicate.

Click a role to exactly define its the access level. Access level also depends on concept of ownership: no access, access to user-owned records, business unit owned records, parent unit owned records, or records owned by the entire organization.

On the Entities tab, you can define the following permissions for each entity: create, read, write, delete, append, append to, and assign.

On the System tab, you can configure if the user can create/read/write/delete entities and attributes, and publish project customizations.

On the Core tab, define user's access to system components and functions.

On the Customization tab, define user's access to project language, management, customization, device audit, security policies and device management.


Resco Cloud comes with powerful server-side business logic. If you're familiar with the client-side logic in Resco mobile apps:

Select Processes Center > Processes from the menu to display a list of jobs, workflows, and real-time processes. For an example of a job, see periodic sync between connected organizations on Resco Cloud and Dynamics.

Select Processes Center > Logs from the menu to display the list of saved logs from automatic processes.

Select Processes Center > Plug-in Assemblies from the menu to display a list of plugins. To get started with the development of plugins for Resco Cloud, see Plug-in assemblies.

To transfer processes to a different organization, use the export/import organization function in the Admin Console:

  • To export processes, go to Settings > Organization, click Export Organization > Custom, check Processes, and click Export.
  • To import processes, go to Settings > Organization, click Import Organization, open the zip file, go to the Processes tab, select the processes that you want to import and click Save & Close.


Select Settings > Auditing from the menu to display audit logs. You can filter and sort the results and export it to a file in CSV format.

See Auditing for general information about setting up actions that should create audit log entries.


Admin console organization

Select Settings > Organization from the menu to edit the properties of your organization. You can also export the organization or import it from a file, delete demo data, or even delete the entire organization.

(When deleting demo data, the following entity records are preserved: role, roleprivileges, and transactioncurrency.)

  • Organization name: Name of your organization as specified when you created the organization. It cannot be changed.
  • Organization ID: Unique ID assigned to your organization by Resco CRM server.
  • Currency: What should be the main currency of your organization?
  • User roles: Number of unique user roles in your organization.
  • Initial role: Define the default role of new users. At this point, this default only applies to Resco Inspections on Resco Cloud.
  • Users: Number of unique users in your organization.
  • Application URI scheme: Defines a designation of the application used for communication with external applications
  • Chatter
  • Email
  • Email integration: Configure how emails are sent out by server or workflows.
Auto track sent email: Enable this option to save outgoing mail and make it available in the email entity.
Auto send pending email: If an outgoing email is created as pending or it cannot be sent out temporarily, you can enable this option to attempt to resend them when the connection is reestablished. For example, when you create a mail message in the app in offline mode, and email integration is not configured in the app, the email is sent out from the server during/after syncing.
Outgoing email mode: Select how the server can send out mail.
  • None – Server processes and workflows cannot send out mail.
  • Cloud Service – Use Resco server for outgoing mail. This requires no further configuration, but it is limited to 10 outgoing messages per day (trial mode). Contact Resco support if you need to increase this limit.
  • SMTP – Use your own mail server for outgoing mail. Requires additional configuration:
  • Host – name or IP address of the mail server
  • Port – port of the server, for example, 25, 587, or 465
  • Username, Password – mail server credentials (not Resco Cloud!)
  • Require SSL – enable if your server requires a secure connection
  • Allow sending emails ‘on behalf of’ – enable to allow sending emails on behalf of another person (the SMTP user must have the appropriate permission)
  • From – Enter the sender of the outgoing email. The default value is equal to the Username. If the Username is not a valid email address, specify a suitable sender.
  • Exchange (User) – Use the Exchange server for outgoing mail. All messages are sent via one Exchange user.


  • Default: Log in using the primary email as the user name and a password.
  • Password: Select an alternate user name field. Log in using this user name and password. This authentication option is available also for the mobile app.
  • Code: Select an alternate user name field. Also, select a way how the authentication code is delivered to the user. Email and SMS are supported. Log in using the user name and the code.
  • Link: Select an alternate user name field. Also, select a way how the authentication link is delivered to the user. For now, only email is supported. Follow the link to log in.
To use email or SMS authentication, the users need to have their email address and/or phone number set correctly. Also, Resco Cloud must be able to send mail and/or SMS.


  • Name format: Select the order of names (first name, middle name, last name, separators, initials)
  • Pricing decimal precision: When rounding prices, how many decimal digits should be used?
  • Display currencies by using: Select currency symbol or currency code


This is where you manage server auditing. See Server auditing for more information.


This section offers information about the storage requirements of your organization, separately for files, audit records, and data.


  • License type
  • License expires on

Additional details about licenses are available in Woodford > Mobile users. For more information about licensing, see Resco licensing service.


Select Settings > Environments from the menu to define connected environments or suborganizations for your organization. Once you connect to another organization, you can import data from it. This allows you to quickly maintain and manage multiple similar environments; for example, one organization for testing and another for production.

What can you migrate

You can select which parts of your environment should be migrated:

  • Metadata (schema, data model)
  • Data (entity records)
  • App projects
  • Localizations
  • Processes
  • Plugin assemblies

Use cases

Here are some tips on how connected environments can help you:

  • Release management: You can maintain separate environments for development, testing, and production. Once stable and working, you can easily transfer your changes to production.
  • Multiple customers: If you're in charge of multiple customers using a similar custom solution, you can develop features in a central organization and push them to child organizations.
  • Beta testing with your environment: Clone your production to the beta server to check new features and verify that your custom development is not impacted.
  • Bug reporting: Clone your organization without sensitive data so that our support engineers can help you with troubleshooting.

Connect or clone

You have two options for establishing a connection between environments: connect to an existing organization or clone your current organization into a new copy.

  • Click Connect Organization and specify the credentials of an existing organization. Optionally, to keep environments organized, select a category and provide a description. Click Save & Close. The organization is added to the list of connected environments.
  • Click Clone Organization to create a copy of your organization. Enter a name for the clone and specify other parameters of your organization. If you want to copy also the data, check Include organization data and select the entities that should be copied. Click Save & Close to start the cloning. Depending on the amount of cloned data, this may take a few seconds, several minutes or more.
Organizations can be cloned to the same server or a different server. For example, you can clone your production organization to the preview server. As the Organization name, enter the full URL including the server, such as
https://{custom org name}.app.resco.net - production
https://beta.rescocrm.com/{custom org name} - preview/beta channel

Work with connected organizations

  • Click a connected organization to display its basic properties. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the organization list.
  • Select a connected organization and click Disconnect Organization to remove the organization from the list of connected environments. Both organizations remain intact, they are just not connected any longer.
  • Select a connected organization and click Pull From to import from the selected environment into your organization.
  1. Select Schema Only to update metadata only; select Custom to include data.
    • In the case of custom import, select what to import, then click Pull From again.
      Pull from: step 1
  2. Review the components that you selected for import.
    • On the Schema tab, set the import Mode: Use Import to merge changes (only new or changed entities and fields are transferred to the local organization; any extra fields in the local organization are not removed) or use Update to create an exact match (can result in loss of data in the local organization, for example when a field with data is removed from an entity). Optionally, check Show All Entities to display the full list of entities (including those without changes).
      Pull from: step 2
  3. Click Save & Close to perform the changes.
Warning If you migrate app projects for external users, the copied projects will use the same Server Alias. However, this value must be globally unique. Remember to change the alias before publishing the project.

Environments FAQ

When cloning entire organizations, you may run into the error "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException".
To avoid this error:
  1. Clone the organization without app projects and organization data.
  2. When the cloned organization is created, log in to it and execute Pull From:
    • Pull every project separately.
    • Pull data without projects.
How to get the best out of environments with prod/test/dev organization?
  • Use Environments when migrating schema + processes + plugins + additional data for required entities (roles, privileges, etc.)
  • Use GitHub for project versioning and project updates deployment to various organizations, or simply export-import your projects.

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