Work with Resco app folder

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Resco Support

Woodford administrators design app projects that define the mobile experience of Resco Mobile CRM users. When Resco Mobile CRM synchronizes with a server, it downloads the app project definition (customization) and stores it on the device. On this page, we explain how technical users (such as developers and support specialists) can access Resco's app folder and what can they learn or accomplish by doing so.

What is a customization?

The app project file or customization is created in Woodford. It consists of:

  • Data model: Projection of server data set (1. selected entities, 2. selected fields, 3. selected records)
  • Business logic
    • UI screens: lists (views) + forms
    • Logic: Rules + javascript (User-supplied JS code)
  • Setup of app-specific services (auditing, maps, location tracking, e-signatures...)
  • Setup of secondary servers
    • SharePoint
    • Other document (file) servers: OneDrive, Box, DropBox
    • Signature servers: Docusign, Universign
    • Email servers: Exchange
  • Sync setup (and other app settings)

Woodford stores the customization back on the server in these Resco entities:

  • resco_mobileproject //
  • resco_mobiledata //,

When the app executes synchronization, it checks the server to see if there is a new customization for mobile user. If yes, the app:

  • Downloads,, (only those files that were updated)
  • Unpacks these files into the APPDATA folder
  • Adapts to the new data structure (DB definition, EntitySchema)
  • Restarts its internal services
  • Interprets additional Woodford commands (remote device control: Settings, security setup, device lock/wipe)

The app then continues the synchronization using new customization.

Use Windows app

Resco Mobile CRM on all platforms saves this information locally. However, on Android and iOS devices, the app folder is protected by the operating system and cannot be accessed directly. Windows versions of Resco Mobile CRM don't have this restriction.

The exact path to your app folder depends on the version of the app:

  • In case of Windows desktop application, the application data are stored in the following folders:
(Win 8.1) %LOCALAPPDATA%\Roaming\MobileCRM\
(Win 10+) %APPDATA%\MobileCRM, which is typically: C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\MobileCRM
  • In case of Microsoft Store version, it’s
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Resco.MobileCRM_{StoreId}\LocalState\MobileCRM, which is typically: C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\Packages\Resco.MobileCRM_{StoreId}\LocalState\MobileCRM

Description of selected files and folders

app folder of Resco Mobile CRM,,
The most recent customization files downloaded from the server. They are only used for downloading customization from the server; after the app unpacks them, they are no longer used.
Log files
Several files with log information: crash.log, onlineLog.txt, syncLog.txt, secmanLog.txt
See Log files for more information. We also offer an Academy course about log files and troubleshooting.
Database_8_0.sdf + wal file
The local database with encrypted CRM data.
This corresponds to the app setup. The file is protected by a hash. You can edit the file directly if needed. The app will warn you that the files have been tampered with but you can dismiss the warning.
List of user roles assigned to the current user
"blob/" folder
Contains the downloaded annotations (entity images or other documents). The files are encrypted.
"Images/" folder
Extracted content of the file Contains the icons used by the app's user interface.
"WWW/" folder
Extracted content of the file Contains the offline HTML folder defined in Woodford (HTML, JavaScript, custom fonts for mobile reports, etc.).

<GUID>/MobileCrm/Configuration/ folder

app folder of resco mobile CRM part deux

Additional interesting files are in the folder with a random identifier.

The data model used by the mobile app.
Database schema corresponding to the data model.
Sync Filters define what data from the server is downloaded to the Resco Mobile CRM application during a synchronization. They can be edited per entity in Woodford. In the app folder, they are saved together in a single file.
Setup file for Resco auditing features.
The setup file for document filters.
The setup file for Advanced sync setup (Sync Config).

Editing files on disk

Before we continue to what, let's clarify why you might edit files directly on the disk.

Often, administrators need to optimize the app project. The conventional way is to use Woodford, make changes in the project, publish the changes, synchronize them with a device, and test. This can be tedious and additionally, it can negatively impact users that use the same app project.

Editable files:

  • Config.xml - You'll get a warning, but that's ok.
  • SyncFilter.xml
  • SyncSetup.xml
  • BlobStoreFilter.xml
  • ChildParentMap.txt
  • Auditing.csv
  • gui.en-US.lang // localization
  • WWW/ - You can edit your JS code here.

After editing and approving changes, you can apply them to Woodford.

Never edit these files:

  • EntitySchema.csv
  • Database.sqlite