Resco Connect: meetup in Las Vegas, September 17
Resco CRM Connector
Integration with third-party systems |
Resco CRM Connector (web APIs):
Resco CRM connector is a group of web API services that you can use to connect your third-party backend to Resco Cloud to exchange data between the systems. These are the components involved in Resco CRM Connector.
- Your system: any CRM/ERP system
- Resco CRM Connector: Synchronization module between your backend and Resco Cloud
- Resco Cloud: Fully customizable backend for Resco mobile apps
- Resco mobile apps: Any of the end-user applications customized for Resco Cloud, such as Resco Mobile CRM
Resco Cloud and mobile apps are provided by Resco. Resco Cloud allows you to define schema and stores data for mobile apps, which is used to display the data.
You can now build your own Resco CRM Connector to enable the synchronization between your backend system and the Resco Cloud. Resco Cloud acts as a passive module — it does not initiate any synchronization. Mobile apps must initiate the synchronization process to download/upload data. This also applies to Resco CRM Connector. It must determine when/whether to synchronize ERP system data with data stored on the Resco Cloud. For example, every hour, every day, etc., depends on how current the data must be on the clients. To check whether there are new/updated data on the Resco Cloud use “GetMaxRowVersion” web service method to get the current row version. If the current row version changed from the last stored row version, there are new changes available on the Resco Cloud.
Available APIs
Resco CRM Connector offers multiple APIs:
- REST data service - a set of REST web service methods divided into metadata service and data service
- OData service
- Questionnaire OData service - read-only OData v4 API service for accessing questionnaire results
- Resco Cloud Client web services API
This article describes the REST data service.
Data types
- UniqueIdentifier
- String
- Integer
- Float
- Decimal
- DateTime
- Picklist
- PicklistMap
- Boolean
- Money
- Binary
- Lookup
- RowVersion
- PartyList
By default, the data type format in data service requests and responses is in invariant culture (for example, the decimal separator is always a dot).
Date fields are in UTC time, in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
; for example, 2020-12-12T09:00:00
. Optionally, you can use syntax defined in RFC 3339 to modify this format.
Lookup fields are essentially strings in the following formats:
(for create/update requests)entity:id:name
(for fetch requests)
PartyList fields use the following format (parts in square brackets are optional):
<party [addressused='']>entity:id[:name]</party>
<party [addressused='']>entity:id[:name]</party>
Data service
Data service helps you access and manipulate data on Resco CRM server. The web service URL depends on server settings; whether the server uses domain organization selection or simple URL organization selection.
- URL organization base web service URL is:{organization}
- Domain organization base web service URL is:
- Examples
- Resco Cloud server uses the following domain organization selection:
- Resco Inspections cloud server uses the following domain organization selection:{organization}
- Resco Routes cloud server uses the following domain organization selection:{organization}
Web request requirements
Method: GET/POST
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic BASE64(login:password)
POST | WhoAmI |
POST | GetMaxRowVersion |
GET | Select |
POST | Fetch |
POST | Create |
POST | CreateMultiple |
POST | Update |
POST | UpdateMultiple |
POST | Delete |
POST | DeleteMultiple |
POST | Execute |
POST | ExecuteMultiple |
POST | ExportProject |
POST | ImportProject |
POST | GenerateReport |
POST | ExecuteWorkflow |
Return organization ID and user ID.
No parameters.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8“?>
<WhoAmI xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:xsi=““>
<OrganizationId>87ddc2f8-d0d1-4ad6-a925-5765a7a46edd</ OrganizationId>
POST GetMaxRowVersion
Return max row version for the database. Row version is counter of every change in database. It helps to determine changes from last synchronization. Each entity has system attribute “rowversion” which determine the version (or timestamp) of last change for the specified row.
No parameters.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8“?>
POST GetRecordCount
Get the number of entity records.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
Examples of body requests:
<ArrayOfGetRecordCountResult xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<GetRecordCountResult name="activitypointer" count="69"/>
<GetRecordCountResult name="account" count="19"/>
GET Select
Template URL: .../{entity}?$select={select}&$filter={filter}&$orderby={orderby} &$skip={skip}&$top={top}
Returns list of entities.
{entity} | determine the entity to retrieve, optionally, you can specify entity id to retrieve in the following format: account(guid'300a4f0b-99dc-4ba5-95bd-d41abf61dc10') |
{select} | determine attributes to retrieve, separated by comma |
{filter} | determine entity filter |
{orderby} | – determine sort, optionally include “desc” keyword. Separated by comma. |
{skip} | – determine number of entities to skip |
{top} | – determine number of entities to return |
A condition is defined like: {left identifier} {comparison statement} {right identifier} {and/or} ...
. The left identifier is always the attribute name.
Comparison statements can be any of following:
eq, =, == | equal |
ne, !=, <> | not equal |
gt, > | greater than |
ge, >= | greater than equal |
lt, < | less than |
le, <= | less than equal |
like, not-like | like or not like |
Right identifier can be any of following:
string value | “string”, or 'string' |
integer value | 0, 1, 2, …. |
null, not-null |
Conditions can be joined using:
and | && |
or | || |
Sample URL: https://{organization}$select=name,address1_city,emailaddress1&$filter=name%20LIKE%20'C%'&$orderby=address1_city&$skip=2&$top=5
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=”utf-8“?>
<EntitySet xmlns=““>
<Metadata PrimaryEntity=“account“>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“name” Name=“name” Type=“String“/>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“address1_city” Name=“address1 _city” Type=“String“/>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“emailaddress1” Name=“emailaddress1” Type=“String“/>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“id” Name=”id” Type=“UniqueIdentifier“/>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Cash and Carry Bikes</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Convenient Bike Shop</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Cheap n Best bikes</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Cool Ride Store</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Certified Bicycle Supply</name>
<address1_city>West Covina</address1_city>
POST Fetch
Fetch query. Return list of entities defined by fetch.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<fetch page=“2 ” count=“5” paging-cookie=“optional PagingCookie from previous fetch“>
<entity name=“account“>
<attribute name=“id” />
<attribute name=“name” />
<order attribute=“name” descending=“true” />
<condition attribute=“name” operator=“like” value=“b%” />
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=”utf-8“?>
<EntitySet xmlns=““>
<Metadata PrimaryEntity=“account“>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“id” Type=“UniqueIdentifier“/>
<Attribute EntityName=“account” AttributeName=“name” Name=“id” Name=“name” Type=“String“/>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Bikes unlimited</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Bike-o-maniac store</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Bike Universe</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Bike Products and Accessories</name>
<Entity EntityName=“account“>
<name>Bike Experts</name>
<PagingCookie><cookie page=”2″><name last=”Bike Experts” descending=”1″ /><id last=”afca6c78-4e0b-df11-a3d5-0003ff9c98bb” /></cookie></PagingCookie>
POST Create
Create entity and return entity ID. Optional, primary key can be specified by “PrimaryKey” attribute.
Default PrimaryKey is “id”.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<Entity EntityName='account' [PrimaryKey='name;address1_city']>
<name>My Name</name>
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8“?>
POST CreateMultiple
Create multiple entities. The entity is defined same as for Create method.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<Entities xmlns=''>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
<name>My Name 1</name>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
<name>My Name 2</name>
POST Update?$create={create}
Update entity. Optional, the primary key can be specified by “PrimaryKey” attribute. Default PrimaryKey is “id”.
{create} (optional) — Determine whether the entity should be created if it does not exist.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
Optional URL: https://{organization}$create=true
<Entity EntityName='account' [PrimaryKey='name;address1_city']>
<name>My Name 2</name>
POST UpdateMultiple?$create={create}
Update multiple entities. The entity is defined the same way as for Update method.
{create} (optional) — Determine whether the entity should be created if it does not exist.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
Optional URL: https://{organization}$create=true
<Entities xmlns=''>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
<name>My Name 1</name>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
<name>My Name 2</name>
POST Delete
Delete entity. Optional, the primary key can be specified by “PrimaryKey” attribute. Default PrimaryKey is “id”.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<Entity EntityName='account'>
With PrimaryKey:
<Entity EntityName='account' PrimaryKey='name;address1_city'>
<name>My Name 3</name>
POST DeleteMultiple
Delete multiple entities. The entity is defined the same way as for Delete method.
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<Entities xmlns=''>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
<id>FE400D92-EFD6-4856-A0B4-94C63212D5C8</id> </Entity>
<Entity EntityName='account'>
POST Execute
Allow to execute specified operation on entity, such as Create, Update, Upsert and Delete.
- Create – Create entity
- Update – Update entity
- Upsert – If exist, Update entity; otherwise Create entity
- Delete – Delete entity
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<Entity EntityName='account' Action='Create' [PrimaryKey='name;address1_city'] xmlns=''> <!-- parameter in [] is optional -->
<name>My Name</name>
<Response Action=“Create” xmlns=““>
<Result Type=“guid“>1607a7f7-c16f-4e19-849c-bad37ff59f5c</Result>
POST ExecuteMultiple
Allow to execute specified operations on multiple entities, such as Create, Update, Upsert, and Delete.
- ContinueOnError – Determine whether to continue executing an operation on error.
- TransactionType – Determine transaction operation:
- None – execute multiple will not run in a transaction
- RollbackOnError – execute multiple transaction will roll back on error
- CommitOnError – execute multiple transaction will commit on error
- Create – Create entity
- Update – Update entity
- Upsert – If exist, Update entity; otherwise Create entity
- Delete – Delete entity
Sample URL: https://{organization}
<ExecuteMultiple TransactionType='RollbackOnError' ContinueOnError='false' xmlns=''>
<Entity EntityName='account' Action='Create'>
<name>My Name</name>
<Entity EntityName='account' Action='Update'>
<name>My Name 2</name>
<Entity EntityName='account' Action='Upsert'>
<name>My Name 3</name>
<Entity EntityName='account' Action='Delete'>
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utXRMf-8“?>
<MultipleResponse xmlns=““>
<Response Action=“Create“>
<Result Type=“guid“>1607a7f7-c16f-4e19-849c-bad37ff59f5c</Result> </Response>
<Response Action=“Update“>
<Result Type=“bool“>true</Result>
<Response Action=“Upsert“>
<Fault xmlns=““>
<Detail>The given attribute 'revenue2' was not present in the entity metadata.</Detail>
<Response Action=“Delete“>
<Result Type=“bool“>true</Result>
POST Export
Export the organization data and metadata.
Sample URL:
Example of a body request:
<Type>Metadata Data Localization Process Plugin Project</Type>
<!-- records of these entities will be exported -->
Type defines what should be exported, e.g if you want to export projects only: <Type>Project</Type> If you want to export all, use <Type>All</Type>
Response: stream
POST Import
Import the organization data and metadata.
Sample URL:
- Import = 0 - Apply changes from import schema, but do not remove missing entities or attributes
- Update = 2 - Apply changes from import schema, but remove missing entities or attributes to match exactly imported schema. Loss of data may occur on removed entities or attributes.
- true - import will be applied
- false - preview only (what will be changed/imported)
- Binary data (exported organization zip file)
If you want to enable asynchronous data import, add the following key-value pair to the header:
Key: Prefer Value: respond-async
POST ExportProject
Export the complete app project definition to a file. You need to specify project name or ID as a parameter.
Sample URL:
Response: Binary project data.
POST ImportProject (and publish)
Replace the content of an existing app project with the imported file. Specify destination project ID or name. The project must already exist. Use &$publish=true
to automatically publish the project.
Sample URL:
Binary project data.
POST GenerateReport
Generate a mobile report.
Sample URL:
Examples of body requests:
a) Directly define report's data source record as entityid
<Variable name="name1">value1</Variable>
<Variable name="name2">value2</Variable>
b) Fetch for report's data source records
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="id"/>
<condition attribute="id" operator="in">
<Variable name="name1">value2</Variable>
<Variable name="name2">value1</Variable>
c) Request with custom report body.
<Data><Report><Styles><Style Name="H1"><Background>#0026d658</Background><BorderColor>#00000000</BorderColor><BorderThickness>0,0,0,0</BorderThickness><FontSize>15</FontSize><FontWeight>Normal</FontWeight><Foreground>#FF22e675</Foreground><HorizontalAlignment>Near</HorizontalAlignment><Margin>0,0,0,0</Margin><Padding>0,0,0,0</Padding><VerticalAlignment>Near</VerticalAlignment></Style><Style Name="Normal"><Background>#00000000</Background><BorderColor>#00000000</BorderColor><BorderThickness>0,0,0,0</BorderThickness><FontSize>10</FontSize><FontWeight>Normal</FontWeight><Foreground>#FF000000</Foreground><HorizontalAlignment>Near</HorizontalAlignment><Margin>0,0,0,0</Margin><Padding>0,0,0,0</Padding><VerticalAlignment>Near</VerticalAlignment></Style></Styles><Variables><Variable Name="src" Type="Fetch" Required="false" Visible="false" Source="true" Lazy="true" Fetch="&lt;fetch&gt;&lt;entity name=&quot;account&quot;/&gt;&lt;/fetch&gt;"/><Variable Name="str" Type="String" Required="true" Visible="true" Source="false" Lazy="false"/></Variables><Body Width="595" Height="842" Margin="20"><Variables/><Header><Text Binding="Constant" Content="Simple Account report with account records names" Style="H1" Column="0" Row="0" ColSpan="1" RowSpan="1"/></Header><Repeater Alias="account" FetchVariable="src"><Variables/><Header><Text Binding="Constant" Content="Account Name" Style="Normal" Column="0" Row="0" ColSpan="1" RowSpan="1"/></Header><Grid><Text Binding="Value" Content="" Style="Normal" Column="0" Row="0" ColSpan="1" RowSpan="1"/></Grid></Repeater><Footer><Text Binding="Constant" Content="Martin Test" Style="Normal" Column="0" Row="0" ColSpan="1" RowSpan="1"/></Footer></Body></Report></Data>
<Variable name="name1">value1</Variable>
<Variable name="name2">value2</Variable>
- Format possibilities
- Time zone
Tip | Custom fonts are normally ignored for server-generated reports. If you are using an on-premises deployment of Resco Cloud, you can copy the fonts to the appropriate folder on the server. |
POST ExecuteWorkflow
Allows you to start a server process.
Sample URL:
<WorkflowExecuteRequest xmlns="">
<PrimaryEntity Name="account">
<name>Entity name</name>
<Variable Name="Test1" Type="Integer" Value="50" />
<Variable Name="Test2" Type="String" Value="string" />
<Variable Name="Test3" Type="Float" Value="45.26" />
<Variable Name="Test4" Type="DateTme" Value="2021-18-01T16:09:53Z" />
<Variable Name="Test5" Type="Decimal" Value="65.26" />
<Variable Name="Test6" Type="BigInt" Value="156" />
<Variable Name="Test7" Type="Lookup" Value="contact:826191dc-2dea-47f7-9b38-616b22129d8b" />
- WorkflowReference - EntityReference to record in resco_workflow entity.
- PrimaryEntity - Determine the primary entity used in the workflow as the 'Entity' variable. It can be defined as a new Entity.
- PrimaryReference - Determine the primary entity used in the workflow as the 'Entity' variable. It can be defined as an EntityReference to an existing entity record.
- InputVariables - Determine input variables that can be used in the workflow.
- OutputVariables - Determine names of variables that should be returned from the workflow.
<Log>Workflow log.</Log>
<Variable Name="Var1" Type="Integer" Value="100" />
<Variable Name="Var2" Type="String" Value="string + output" />
- Result - Determine the result status of the workflow (InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Canceled).
- Saved - Determine whether the WorkflowExecuteRequest.PrimaryEntity was changed and updated after workflow execution.
- Log - Determine the result log printed by workflow.
- OutputVariables - Contains the output variables returned from the workflow.
Asynchronous operations
All operations with "Multiple" in their names support asynchronous execution. Use the Prefer
header to instruct the server to use async operations:
Prefer: respond-async Prefer: respond-async, wait=10
The wait
HTTP preference is optional. It indicates the maximum duration the client is willing to wait for a response. The default value is 20 seconds.
The server returns "200 OK" when completed within the wait time or "202 Accepted" when not.
To poll the current status of the async operation, execute the "Multiple" method with an empty body and $ticket={ticket}
query string, where the {ticket}
is returned with the first request "202 Accepted".
There is a response header "Progress" with the progress of the async operation.
Resco Cloud REST API supports webhooks. A create, update, or delete operation on the server can trigger a callback to a URL of your choosing.
CreateWebhook: /$hook?$entity={entity}&$action={action}
- entity: entity name
- action: one of [Create | Update | Delete]
<Url><CallbackUrl>URL to invoke</CallbackUrl></Url>
- RESPONSE HEADER: Location: URL to delete webhook
The BODY of the request to the external URL is in JSON format: '{ "id": "record id" }'
Sample C# project
For your convenience, we have prepared a C# project that implements the data service.
- - source code for Visual Studio
- - library with regular updates
See also
Resco also offers you a development kit that allows you to develop your own plugins for Resco Cloud. Plugins can be used in processes: